Hank x Female!Reader | I'm back (Fluff)

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(Picture: Screenshot from 'Detroit: Become Human' by 'QuanticDreams' ; own source)

(Picture: Screenshot from 'Detroit: Become Human' by 'QuanticDreams' ; own source)

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[Warning: may contain spoiler]
[Plot holes included]

I went out of the car, closing the door behind me, obviously.

I didn't move away from my car, only looking at the house next to me.

I smiled to yourself, making my way to the entrance.

Right as I was about to knock, the door opened.

"Hank is asleep on the couch."
Connor said, smiling at me innocently.

"Welcome back, (Y/N). Sumo and I really missed you."
Connor added, hugging me after closing the door quietly. Sumo was standing next to Connor and me, being quiet as well.

"Hej, buddy."
I said and went down on my knees to pat Sumo.

I kept quiet because I didn't want to wake up Hank.

I wasn't.

"Did you prepare everything? Cake, decoration..?"
"I did, I did, everything is just like we planned it."
Connor said after I rose back up to my feet.

"Thank you very much, big brother."
I said teasingly, causing him to shake his head while smiling.

Who am I?
Why was I there?
Where was I?

I was Hank's niece, visiting him for a few weeks.

I didn't live in America but in (COUNTRY), working as a (PROFESSION).

I was taking a little time off, enjoying the time off in Detroit.

Connor, Hank and I used to skype sometimes, causing Connor and me to get to know each other.

Connor and I got pretty good friends, skyping together often.

Now, I am finally visiting Hank and Connor again.

It's not my first time meeting Connor, since I was in Detroit a few times already.

The last time I stayed in Detroit for weeks was for Cole's funeral, but that was no vacation at all.

back then, I was obviously sad, not only because of losing Cole, but because leaving Hank back in Detroit, all alone.

Sure Sumo was there, but even Sumo would miss Cole.

Since Connor joined Hank, Hank started to.. live again, making me feel better as well.

I was very thankful for Connor's presence in Hank's life.

"Hank is just taking a nap, don't worry."
Connor informed me, causing me to nod slowly.
"Oh, alright."

Connor helped me taking off my jacket, putting it away while I fixed my hair a little bit.

Detroit: Become Human ❈ x Reader | EnglishWhere stories live. Discover now