RK900 x Female!Android!Reader | Something else than I am supposed to be (Fluff)

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(Picture: Screenshot from 'Detroit: Become Human' by 'QuanticDreams' ; own source)

(Picture: Screenshot from 'Detroit: Become Human' by 'QuanticDreams' ; own source)

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[Warning: contains spoiler]
[Plot holes included]

Connor, prototype RK800, and I, prototype RK801, are just like siblings. We started as normal androids sent by CyberLife, helping the DPD to investigate in crimes.

But - during the events of Detroit, both of us turned deviant and stayed deviant. This strengthened our relationship as siblings.

Deviants are acknowledged as living beings now. Not only in Detroit, but all over the world.
CyberLife worked on a newer "Connor" before the events of Detroit, the RK900.

Faster, more resistant and fitted with the latest technologies. CyberLife didn't work on a RK901 type, a female version, and doesn't plan to do it anymore.

The already built RK900s are set free by CyberLife, which aren't deviant but simply.. androids. But of course, they can turn deviant.

The DPD would get a few of the 200.000 produced RK900s, which are sent all across the world to do their job.

200.000 maybe sounds a lot, and surely is a lot, but CyberLife won't replace the damaged and disabled ones, only try to repair them.

This means, that the 'population' of RK900s will probably shrink little by little, until just a few of them are left.

If a RK900 turns deviant, it automatically has the right to stay alive. If not, it'll just be turned off when damaged or incapable of function.

It was 9am and Connor and I entered Lieutenant Hanks and Lieutenant Adams Office. They were pretty close ftiends, thus sharing an office together.

Connor was usually with Hank and I was usually with Adam.
Only on rare occasions Connor accompanied Adam alone, just like I rarely accompanied Hank alone.

Adam and Hank often decide to solve crimes together, but sometimes they do their own thing.

Hank and Adam were already inside the office, along with the RK900 type. We called him Conan and we had him for a few days already.

"Did you know Gavin has a RK900 now, too?"
I asked them, causing them to laugh.

Well, except for RK900 Conan..
"Oh well, let's pray our prayers the other RK900 is fine with Gavin."
Hank joked.

"So.. you should be better in any ways than Connor and I are."
I remarked as I looked at Conan, tilting my head to the side.

"By all means, you two still are my predecessors. Everything I know is what I have got from you."
Conan said, smiling softly.

"Well, Yeah, but a newer version without improved gadgets wouldn't be a newer version, right?"
I added, smiling back at him.
Suddenly, Connors, Conans and my LED turned yellow, blinking while uploading something.

Detroit: Become Human ❈ x Reader | EnglishWhere stories live. Discover now