Kara x Male!Reader | My flower (Fluff)

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(Picture: Screenshot from 'Detroit: Become Human' by 'QuanticDreams' ; own source)

(Picture: Screenshot from 'Detroit: Become Human' by 'QuanticDreams' ; own source)

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[Warning: may contain spoiler]
[Plot holes included]

I was sitting on the couch, trying to rest a little bit while listening to the TV with my eyes closed.

But.. I couldn't really rest.. I just couldn't get one thought off my mind..

I am in love.

I tried not to think about it or rather about her, but it didn't work that easily.

Well, maybe it wasn't that bad.

I reached out for my iPhone, sighing after seeing how much battery I had left.

"Let's hope 3% will make it.."
I muttered while, unlocking my iPhone to call her.

Her voice chimed.
"Hey, Kara."
I said in a happy voice.
"Oh, Hej (Y/N)! Sorry to get straight to the point, but what is it? It's pretty late already. Did something happen?"

"No.. not necessarily."
I mumbled while standing up to look at myself in the mirror in the corridor.

"Are you bored?"
Kara asked, sounding a little amused.
"Nope, I wasn't bored, I just couldn't fall asleep because of some thoughts I have."

"I hope they are not bad thoughts, (Y/N).."
"Yeah.. they aren't, really.."
I muttered before looking at my battery status.
1% was left.

"Kara, I need to tell you something."
I spoke up while my heart started to beat against my chest quickly.
"What is it, (Y/N)?"
She asked with her lovely high pitched voice, sounding curious.

I giggled while trying to focus on what I want to tell her.

"I love you, Kara."
I said right if the bat while your heart skipped a beat, yet feeling like it got crushed.

So, I was relieved yet scared. What would happen next? Moments of silence followed, but the silence was taking too long now.

I looked at my iPhone, seeing, that it actually turned itself off.

I muttered while laying down my iPhone on the table.
I raised the volume of my TV, letting myself sink into my couch.

What does Kara think?
Did she even hear it?
Will she be okay with it?
What does she feel?
Are we going to move on the same or will things change?

I don't know how long I thought about these questions after the phone call, but I got interrupted by someone knocking on the door.

I sighed, walking up to the door in a slow manner.
I opened the door, just to find..

"(Y/N)! Thank god you're fine.."
She said, hugging me almost instantly.

I was taken aback as I surrounded her with my arms slowly.
"Why shouldn't I be fine..?"

"I.. I don't know.. you hung up so suddenly, I couldn't get in touch with you, I was.. scared.. that.. something happened to you.."
Kara admit, looking into my eyes now.

"No.. nothing happened. My battery just died.."
I tried to reassure her by smiling at her innocently.
"Well, I see it for myself now."
She muttered while smiling back at me.

Did she hear what I had said to her before my battery died? Or did my battery die in beforehand?

"Kara.. what was the last thing you heard from me?"
I inquired to give my thoughts ease, moving slightly backwards to put a distance between her and me.

"The last thing I heard from you was an 'I', so.."
She said, looking away to avert my gaze.
I asked her, looking at her with my head titled to the side.
"So I came here to see you. I told you I was scared something happened to you."

"I'm sorry to make such a fuss at this time of the evening."
I apologised to her while she entered my house, so I closed the door as I was scratching the back of my head.

"Don't apologise.. you know me, I tend to.. overreact sometimes."
Kara remarked, smiling at me innocently.

"Yeah, that may be true."
I admit, walking up to my couch again. Kara followed me, sitting down next to me.

"I feel bad for keeping you awake this late. You may stay here over the night."
I told her, causing her to smile with her eyes closed.
"Don't you worry, (Y/N)."

"My guest room is always prepared, feel free to go to sleep."
I informed her before she tilted her head to the side.

"Aren't you tired at all, (Y/N)?"
She asked, causing me to shake your head in disagreement.

"I have some work to do. Connor and Lieutenant Anderson need it for tomorrow, so I'm going to finish it today."
I told her, leading her to look at me in surprise.
"Oh.. don't work too much."
Kara muttered, yawning right after.

"Come, I'll escort you to the guest room."
I proposed, patting her head while smiling at her innocently.

"But really, don't work all too much. You should get some sleep as well."
Kara noted, causing me to salute playfully.
"Of course, Madame."

I rose up to my feet before guiding Kara to the guest room, showing her what's inside.

"Well, I know you're not blind, but this is the bed, there's a small television and a desk, even though you won't really need it for now. You also have a bathroom, so feel free to use it. Towels are there already, but I don't really have any woman's clothes."

"Alright.. thank you very much. If something's the matter, you may wake me up."
Kara told me, causing me to giggle.
"Same goes for you. Well, if I am to fall asleep, just wake me up, if I am awake, just talk to me.

"Alright, Good night, sleep tight."
I said, turning around already to leave the room, but..
"I love you too, (Y/N)."
Kara's voice stopped me.

I turned around, being slightly confused as I narrowed my eyes.
"Did you say something?"
I asked her to be sure I wasn't imagining things.

She started to laugh, looking at me shortly after.
"I love you too. I heard what you said to me before your battery died."

"You're.. joking, right?"
I asked, walking up in front of her before covering her cheeks with my hands.

"Nope, I mean it."
Kara replied, placing her hands on mine while looking into my eyes.

The distance between our faces grew smaller, ending up with our lips touching.

Yes, we kissed, only to part a few moments after.
Kara kept her eyes closed while I opened my eyes instantly.

"Maybe I could escort you to go to sleep?"
I suggested, causing her to open her eyes while giggling.

"I don't want to prevent you from work-"
"You're more important then work, besides, work won't take that long, so don't worry."
I said after interrupting her with a kiss.

"Alright.. then gladly.."
Kara mumbled with a smile in her face.

"Gosh, I can't believe it.. is this a dream?"
"Nope, and you'll see for yourself by tomorrow morning."

Detroit: Become Human ❈ x Reader | EnglishWhere stories live. Discover now