Markus x Female!Android!Reader | Surprise (Fluff)

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(Picture: Screenshot from 'Detroit: Become Human' by 'QuanticDreams' ; own source)

(Picture: Screenshot from 'Detroit: Become Human' by 'QuanticDreams' ; own source)

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[Warning: may contain spoiler]
[Plot holes included]

I was sitting on a bench in the park, looking at people heading to work.

It was early in the morning, but the sun shined brightly already.

Me and my best friend North wanted to go on a shopping trip today.

She would take her car to drive us around.

I arrived at the meeting place quite early, waiting for North to arrive.

"Hej, (Y/N)..?"
A familiar voice resounded.

"Markus? What are you doing here this early?"
I asked and smiled at him.

"Well, North and I wanted to go shopping today.."
Markus said and scratched the back of his head.

"Oh.. North wanted to go with me too.."
I muttered, tilting my head to the side.

Suddenly, my iPhone rang.

I took out my iPhone and saw that North was calling.

"I'm going to set it on speaker. Let's see.."
I mumbled before picking up the call.

"Heeej, (Y/N)!"
North's voice resounded.

"Hej beloved friend, where are you?"
I asked her while looking at Markus.

"Didn't someone else appear?"
North asked, letting her mischievous grin being heard through the phone.

"I'm here as well."
Markus resounded, looking at the iPhone.

"Well, you have busy schedules but would always take time for me - take time for yourselves for once in a while!"
North told us, giggling behind the phone.

"Go on, go shopping together. I want to see what you bought later on. I gotta go, I'm going to babysit Alice. Lots of fun you two!"
North added and hung up, leaving us speechless.

North knew that I had a crush on Markus, but I was trying to hide it though.

I always think that a lot of girls really like Markus, and oh they do, but I was not special for him at all.

Even North would be more special than I was.

"Well, let's go then?"
Markus brought me back to reality.

Detroit: Become Human ❈ x Reader | EnglishWhere stories live. Discover now