Chapter One

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*Hi, welcome to my first reality TV show story and I'm going to it now: anything underlined is what is being said for the camera and the name before is who's saying it, anything in italics will be coming from the tower when Evie is not in there*

'This is the place. Wow, this place hasn't changed in the last two and half years since the last time I was here'. I stepped out of the cab and walk down the promenade. I walk to the central tower of the beach and knocked on the door to the tower. Jesse answered the door with the camera crew behind him "Evie!" He said, "Hey, how's it going?" I ask "Yeah, I'm good. Come in, come in" He says and I step inside and took a seat at the window over the beach. "So how's the water?" I ask watching the waves crash "Yeah, good. Except for the thousands of people who are in it now" He said watching the one-kilometre beach "Hey! What's that! South corner!" I ask pointing to the far south corner on the end of the beach "Jesse to rhino, there are about five people in the far south corner who look they're in trouble" Jesse says into the walkie-talkie "Copy" Jethro says back and we watch the rhino drove across the sand avoiding the people on the sand.

"Could we get a little interview with you? Like what your name is and a little bit about you" The camera asks "Yeah, sure" I say and they set up so I see the camera and watch the beach at the same time. "I'm Evie and I just came back from being in America on an exchange program. I've grown up in the Bondi waters and know the lifeguards pretty well" I say watching Jethro and Singlet jump out of the vehicle, grab the boards and start paddling to the people. "Mario, could you go over to the far south corner and help Jeth and Singlet?" Jesse said into the walkie-talkie "On it" 'Mario' said and I saw the jet ski go from the north side of Bondi to the south in a few seconds.

"Jesse, could you tell us what you know about Evie and what your thoughts are on her?" The crew ask Jesse "Yeah. Evie, where do I begin with her. I know she's a brilliant surfer, she's good in the water and really friendly with all the guys and doesn't cause too much trouble" Jesse said to the camera while I watched the surf. "How did you meet Evie?" "She's actually Harries daughter so I first met her on my first day as a lifeguard and I was surprised when I walked into the tower and there was this fifteen-year-old sitting watching the beach at seven in the morning before she left for school," Jesse said, "Are you Harries' daughter?" The crew asked surprised "Yeah. I've been in water and part of Bondi -" I pause my sentence "Jesse" I say hitting lightly on the arm "There. New rip" I say pointing right in front of the tower "On it," Jesse says and runs down to the water's edge with the megaphone to tell swimmers to move. "Jethro to central. Rescue successful" Jethro says on the radio and I look across and all five people were walking from the water.

Jethro and Singlet come back to the tower on the rhino. "Hey, Jesse..." Singlet says but fades once he sees it me in the tower and not Jesse "Where's Jesse?" He asks "There," I say pointing to him "Does Harries know you're here?" Jethro asks taking a seat "No, got here five minutes ago" I say "There!" I say pointing north "What! What is it?" Singlets ask leaning on the back of the chair "A swimmer" I say "On it" Jethro says as Jesse comes back out. "How was America" Singlet asks "Not too bad. The beaches are nothing like this" I say as Bondi's amazing "Best part about coming home?" Jesse asked looking over the water "Being able to talk Australian" I answer "What do you mean?" "One time, I asked my roommate to get me my thongs from upstairs and this was when I first moved there and she came down with underwear and I forgot that an American thong is different to an Aussie thong. There where many lost in translation moments" I say.

"Your dad should be going on his lunch break soon," Jesse says "Cool... Man, I missed this place" I said taking in the view from the tower "Course you have since you were in the water before you walk" Singlets says and Dad walks up the beach with a new lifeguard who likes what comes to your mind when you hear 'Australian lifeguard'. He was tall and tan and gorgeous. "Who's that?" I ask, not taking my eyes off the hottie "Glick, he's a newbie" Jesse answered as the hottie and Dad walk to the tower.

"Hey Harries, I got a surprise for you," Singlets says to Dad as he walks in "Oh no. What is it?" He asks "Hi Dad," I say stepping out "Eve!" He exclaimed and hugged me tightly. "You know Jesse and Singlet" Dad says "This is Glick" Dad properly introduces me to him "It's lovely to meet you" He says as he shakes my hand "You too" I say returning the gesture "Come eat with me" Dad says and we walk out onto the sand for his lunch break.

"So how was it? How was America?" He asks, we haven't spoken since I left because the cost for an international call was a lot, "Yeah, yeah. It good but so many things got lost in translation and they got so annoyed at me" I say laughing lightly "Why?" He asks taking a bit out of his sandwich "What got lost in translation was thongs. Their thongs are so different to our's and I annoyed all of my roommates by calling 'em mate for the whole two years" I say looking out at the amazing view Bondi has to offer "You've got the accent. You've got the American accent!" He said after a couple seconds of silence "Do I?" I ask as you don't recognize your own voice changing accents "Yeah!" He says laughing and we talked about all the things that I had missed out on in the last two years.

Harries -"Yeah, its good to have Evie back on Bondi and when we were talking, she didn't take her eyes off the surf once, itching to get on a board and surf the waves. Yeah, its good to have my little girl back from being away for so long

"Wanna help out today? We really could use some extra hands" Dad asks as he breaks comes to an end "Yeah sure" I say as I always wanted to help Dad and his mates at their job but they never allowed me since I was fifteen and we head back to the tower. "Hey Hop, could Eve help out today? Since it is the new year" Dad asks Hoppo and he looks at me "Sure, but she can't get on a board and go out into the surf since she doesn't have the training" He says and I'm half disappointed that I can't do a rescue but grateful that I can help the guys.

"Take the rhino down the north corner with Eve" Beardy orders to Glick and we get in the rhino and drive to North Bondi and park it on the water's edge. "So you're Harries' daughter?" Glick asks through his thick accent "Yeah" I say "You don't look like his wife" He says "Um, yeah. Dad's wife is my step mum, I was from a different relationship and she didn't want me and Dad didn't want to put me in foster" I say "Glick, there's someone way at back" Jesse said over the radio "Copy" Glick responded and he jumped out of the vehicle taking his shirt off and grabbing the board before running into the water.

Love's In The Water ~Jake Nolan~Where stories live. Discover now