Chapter Twenty One

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"When's the HSC?" Matt Dee asks as I was in the tower after school for the first time in weeks "Two weeks" I say "Nervous?" Nicole asks "Yeah, course!" I say "You'll be fine. Just keep studying and you'll do great" Azza says with hands on my shoulders "You should be going home to study," Dad says "See ya's," I say and walk out of the tower to go home and study for the damn HSC.

*Two months later*

I walk into the tower with the letter from school, containing my marks from the HSC I sat six weeks ago. "Is that it? Your marks?" Jeth asked "Yeah," I say "Have you opened it?" He asks as I take a seat "No. I've been too nervous to" I say "Come on. How bad can they be? You're smart, they'll be fine" He says and I open the envelope and pull the pieces of paper out and scan over it. "Yes!" I throw the papers in the air in relief "What you get?" Jeth asks "Ninety-seven point three!" I say "That's so high! 97.3! "That's so good Eve!" He congratulates "Thanks. Holy sh*t! A ninety-seven!" I couldn't believe it.

"What happened here?" Deano asks as the shifts came to end at seven, looking at the loose papers around the tower "She got a great HSC result" Jethro says "What you get?" Deano asks as the other guys came into the tower after knock-off "Ninety-seven point three" I say "Holy sh*t! That's amazing!" Reidy says "Nice" "Congrats Eve" Was said, "That's ma girl!" Dad calls and I go and give a hug as he was the one who had to put with my screaming and crying and procrastination and temper and stress, while I was studying and preparing for the major exam. "Hey! Is everyone free tonight?!" Kerrbox yells over the voices and everyone was listening "In celebration of Eve's amazing score, let's go out" He suggests "Yeah!" The guys cheered and this was going to be interesting.

We walk across the road to the pub and we order our meals and drinks. Twenty minutes later, everyone has their meal and the conversation levels went from talking to shouting as there were so many going on. Jesse throws some of his food at Ryan who was across him on the table but got Deano instead, who fought back and threw some of his veggies back. Before anyone knew, all conversations were paused and we were having a food fight in the middle of this pub, throwing any kind of food at anyone and it ended with all fifteen of us standing outside the pub covered in food. "Well..." Kerrbox says "That was the best celebration dinner ever!" I say, how many times have you went out friends and ended up outside the place covered in food "Arg, Jeth, you got a little something in your hair" I say and pick the lettuce out of his curls "I've gotta be heading home. The Mrs will be wondering where I've been" Whippet says "Yeah, she'll be wondering where you've been...?" Mouse says as Whippet's covered in mash potato and gravy "See ya's later" We say and everyone goes their separate ways and goes home, except Jake, Harrison and I, we all get into Jake's car which is parked behind Dad's.

"You're fine with Eve going home with Jake?" Jethro asks Dad "Yeah, why wouldn't I? He's a good guy" Dad says almost questionable "I mean he's a twenty-one guy who hasn't had anything in years. If ya know what I mean" Jeth psychos Dad out "Dad, I'm fine. Don't worry" I say walking up to Dad and Jethro, leaving Jake and Harrison behind "You sure?" Dad says not convinced "She'll be fine Harries. We'll probably watch Netflix or something" Jake tries to reassures but it doesn't work thanks to Jethro "And chill" He says and I elbow him "Jeth, you're not helping" I say "Why don't you come and watch Netflix with us" Jake invites and I look at him "Sure" Dad agrees and he orders Jake and I to get in the back of his car and he drives to Jake and Harrison's apartment, while Harrison goes to Maxi's.

"Why did you invite Dad?" I whisper to Jake "So he didn't think anything happens" He defends "So! Only because bloody Jethro put the thought in his head! He would never have thought of it before!" I whisper-yell at him "We'll make it work. Just give it time" He says "Fine!" I say playing with Jake's ring around my neck.

Dad parks the car and we all get out and walk up the four flights of stairs and Jake opens the apartment up and Dad inspects it. He walks into Jake room and comes out with one of my bras "Care to explain this?" He says with it hanging from his fingers "I was here last weekend, remember?" I say. I wasn't at Jake's last weekend, I was with a friend from school, but he doesn't have to know the finer details "That still doesn't explain this Eve" Dad says "I had to have a shower" I say simply "And where was he?" "At work," I say and Dad threw the bra back into the bedroom. "Whose having a shower?" Jake asks "You can use Harrison's bathroom," He says and Dad and I go for a shower, me in Jake's and Dad in Harrison's.

I hop out of the shower and debate in my head if I put my bra on or call for a new one. "Jake!" I shout "Yeah?" He says from the other side of the door "Could pass me the bra Dad had earlier?" I ask "Why?" His voice was quieter, meaning he was getting it but asking why "Because the other one is covered in food" I say and hands me the bra, opening the door a little "Thanks" I say and get changed into one of Jake's shirts. Since Dad takes so long to have a shower, Jake was able to go in the shower and be out before him so we started the movie without him. When Dad did come out of the shower, the movie had already been on for fifteen minutes and Jake had his arm around my shoulders and Dad wasn't happy. I was wearing Jake's shirt as none of them fit me properly and I guess, Dad didn't like how close we were or that we started the movie before he came out. "Great, movie date with my Dad thrid wheeling" I whisper and Jake chuckles and we watch the movie, all three of us.

Once the movie finishes, Dad finally decides to leave "Behave" He says "Will do" I say, really wanting him to leave "Wasn't talking to you. You behave" Dad says pointing to Jake "Night Harries," Jake says and we close the door on Dad as he walks down the stairs. "Thank God!" I praise "That was awkward," He says and I hit him on the chest, "Ya think! Don't ever suggest that again!" I say and sit on the kitchen bench "Agreed" He says and looks down at my lips, hands on the bench next to my hips "You wanna kiss me?" I tease "Yeah," He says "What are you waiting for?" I ask and pull him closer to me and kiss him.

I ran my hands through his hair and down the back of his neck and wrap my legs around his waist, Jake took a few steps away from the bench, with his hands under my bum and walks through the apartment and into his room, and sat me on the end of the bed. I tugged on the hem of his shirt and he pulled it over over his head, I felt a tug in his shirt that I was wearing and I brought it over my head. I pulled away from Jake to see where the waistband of his pants was before connecting my lips to his again, with my hands on the zipper, undid it and they slid down. I fell back onto the bed and Jake came with me and we continued to make out.

He detaches his lips from mine and left sloppy kisses down my neck, before going down my chest and in between my boobs, going down to my belly button before coming back up my body and I take a deep breath in as this is all new to me and it just feels right to do so. He connects his lips to mine again and I fell his hands run up and down my body. His hands stop on my hips where my panties are and he just taps his fingers on my hips as if debating to take them off or not. Jake moves his hands away from hips and rests them on either side of my head, resting his weight on his forearms and pulls away from me "You know, I love you right?" He asks "Yeah" I try to pull him for another kiss but he pulls away "I'm sorry Eve. I can't. Not here, not now. We can't" Jake says and rolls to the side and sits up "Do you want me to leave?" I ask propping myself on my forearms "God no! I just -" He doesn't know how to say it "Just can't do it with me because I'm seventeen," I say for him "...Yeah" He says and I wrap my hands on his shoulders "I get it. It'd be too awkward" I say and he holds my hand.

"What do you want to do then?" I ask breaking the silence that fallen "Just sleep and hold you there" He answers "Agreed" I say put one of the shirts on and crawl into his bed while he puts his pants back on and wraps his arm around my waist and pulls me as physically as possible and I soon fall asleep in his hold and it feels good.

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