Chapter Eighteen

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Jake's P.O.V

After Eve stormed out of the apartment and I had the same thoughts going over and over in my head. Go after her, go get her back. She's everything you want in a girl. But I don't move and I had the last thing she said to me in the head as well as my own thoughts Call me when your head isn't in your d*ck. Far out! I'm an idiot! She's only seventeen why would I push her to do something like that at that age!

Harrison walks through the and I greet him with a handshake "What's up with Eve?" He asks walking to the kitchen "She's mad at me. I did something really dumb and now I'm coping it" I say "What you do?" He asks coming back with two beers, handing me one "Something really, really dumb. Something that I shouldn't have done" I say, taking a sip "Oh. What are you going to do to get her back?" He asks "I don't know. I wasn't going to do anything and just let her go" I say as I was thinking of letting her go and go get a man who she'll be able to see and someone who'd she'd be able to be seen in public with and not feel judged by the age difference. "What! You're not going to try to get her back?!" Harrison said in disbelief "Yeah, I mean come on! Have you seen her? She could get any guy she wanted. She's fit, funny, smart, independent and doesn't take sh*t from nobody" I say "And that's why you should go get her back!" Harrison says "I want to get her back! I really do! But she deserves someone her own f*cking age and who she can actually go out with and not get looks from people because you and her aren't five f*cking years apart!" I scream and storm into my room and don't come out.

"You still thinking about her aren't you?" Maxi asks as we sit in the tower at Bronte "Yeah. It's hard not to, but damn she was amazing and I let her go" I say, it's my own fault. I didn't call her and we haven't spoken except for one time where she called us off and hasn't been seen at any beach since. That was a month ago and the energy in the tower at Bondi hasn't been the same without her goofy, bubbly self around and everyone knows it's my fault that she isn't here. "Wanna drive by her place? See how she's going?" Maxi offers and as creepy as it sounds, I agree.

At knockoff, Maxi drives outside Harries' house and we look up and look into Eve's room. She's laughing and dancing around and enjoying herself and being a normal teenager. "She seems fine," Maxi says as another person walks in front of the window "Who's that?" Maxi asks "I don't know," I say interested. After what looks like, Eve and the person kiss and I look away, knowing what I didn't want to. "She looks..." Maxi trails off "...Happy" I finish and they pull away "Drive Maxi! Drive!" I say half angry and half sad and he drives away before either of them notice we were watching.

Seeing Eve dancing and laughing and smiling with whoever that was, makes me realise that there's no chance that I can win her back and she's officially gone. She's happy, that's all that matters, even if it's without me or it's me making her happy

Eve's P.O.V

"Dance with me, Evie!" Jack says as we dance around my room, dancing is more fun than study formulas for a math test we have tomorrow, and I take his hand and we continue dancing around my room avoiding my bed and bookshelf and desk. The song finishes and I'm pressed up against the desk with Jack inches away from me and just stare into his green eyes.

To be honest, I'm not over Jake, not in the slightest but he could get a girl he wants, he's fit, attractive and has an amazing personality, but he chose me and I can't help but feel as though he never wanted to go out with me in the first place. Why would a twenty-one-year-old want to go out with a simple high school student when all I do is complain about school when we see each other. After contemplating in my head, going back and forth, I lean up and kiss Jack.

He's not bad, don't get me wrong but he isn't Jake. With Jack, there's no spark, no fireworks, no butterflies, no connection but with Jake just holding his hand gave me butterflies, even the mere mention of his name gave me butterflies. But with Jack there's nothing. I don't know if it's because I've known him since I was four or if it was because I using him as a distraction to get over Jake. I pull away and look down through my window and see a car drive away, catching a glimpse at the number plate has me confused. It was Maxi's car. Why would he drive here but not come to the door?

"Wanna go back to maths?" Jack asks as we started dancing forty minutes ago "Yeah" I sat on the chair at my desk while Jack sits on my bed and we go over and over formulas for the exam tomorrow.

Love's In The Water ~Jake Nolan~Where stories live. Discover now