Chapter Seventeen

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*Flash forward six months*

"Come on" I whisper to myself sitting on Jake's knee "He'll be here. The interviews will be fine" Jake tries to reassure me running his fingers up and down my back "That's not the problem. Problem is that Dad doesn't work off normal time, he works of Harries' time" I say as I've got parent/teacher interviews and my first ones in six minutes "Relax, he'll be here and you'll be on time" Jake says as Mouse walks into the tower. "Ready to go Kiddo?" He asks "Huh?" I say "You know your father, he's not gonna to make it, so he said that if he doesn't make, I have to" Mouse explains "Let's go!" He says rushing and I peck Jake on the lips before rushing out the door behind Mouse and he drives to school.

The first interview, English "Michael" Mouse shakes hands with my teacher and it's weird hearing his proper name "Steve" My teacher says and we take our seats. "Eve has shown that she is more than capable of passing standard English and I suggest that she moves to advanced" Sir finished up the interview and we head to maths. "I highly suggest you consider changing to extended maths, Eve" She finishes and we head to other subjects like music and business studies and each said I was doing well, then we moved to timber. This is going to be interesting.

"Michael" Mouse said shaking hands "Fletcher," Sir says and sits down "Eve. Eve? Everlynn!" He gathers his thoughts "She has been an... interesting character to have in the timber rooms" Sir said "She could pay a bit more attention when I am speaking and not having a conversation with Mr Wilburn" Sir says taking Mouse by surprise as the other teachers said I was great and not distracting "I'm not saying that I do not like you in my class Everlynn, but I think you should move away from timber and focus on something that you truly enjoy. Like lifeguarding, doesn't take much of a brain to do that" Mouse tenses up next to me "Thank you, Sir, talking to you as always is a pleasure" I dismiss Mouse and I as I know he's about to explode "Hold it! Wait until the car!" I order as he's going to let all his anger out in a scream and better if it's in the car and not out in the middle of the quad.

"Doesn't take much of a brain! Who does he think he is?! You have to be on the ball! Watching for people who are about to lose their lives!" He releases it as I shut the door "Piece of sh*t! Who does he think he is?!" He says outraged "Man, I'll show him. Given him a left hook" Mouse says and I'm pretty sure I saw steam come from his ears as he drove back to the tower.

Mouse gets out slamming his door shut and down to the tunnel to the punching bag that hasn't been used in years and started beating the crap out of it. "Geez, what's gotten into Mouse?" Jesse asks walking in "My teacher may or may not have pissed him off" I say and no one dares to disturb him until knockoff. "Who you going home with, E?" Deano asked, between him and Mouse, they're like two more dads, even uncles "Can you take me home?" I ask, turning around to face Jake "Yeah, sure. Let me get changed" He says and I stand up from his lap as he goes to get changed across the road. "You really love him, don't you?" Jesse says "...Yeah. I do" I say "Have you told him?" Reidy asks "Yeah, about three months ago," I say smiling, it won't go away "Did he say it back?" Chappo asks "Yeah. He said it first actually" I say and Jake comes back into the tower and we leave as Jake has his arm around my shoulders, and we head for his car than his apartment.

Harrison's been away all winter in Hawaii so me and Jake have had the place to ourselves. Jake changes from his work uniform into some trackies and a long sleeve shirt and chucking me his lifeguard hoodie as I prefer to wear his shirts and his hoodies because they're more comfy and they smell like him with a blanket. Throwing the blanket over my legs, and sitting down we watch tv shows on Netflix. I look away from the tv and up at Jake to see if he's watching, but he's watching me instead "The movie's over there" I whisper pointing through the hoodie to the tv "You're beautiful" Jake says and I immediately get self-conscious and hid my face in his chest. I moved my head from his side and looked up at him and he kisses me.

So much passion and love filled the kiss. Jake deepen it by kissing harder and rougher and laid me down on the couch, resting his weight on his forearms above me and kissed with more passion. He brought his hand down and rested it on my thigh taking me by surprise. I pushed him up and off me "What are you doing?" I ask and he stutters over his words "I-I um, t-thought I-I mean" "I'm not ready" I say slightly embarrassed "Yeah, that's fine" He gets off me and goes back to sitting "You're not mad at me, are you?" I ask sitting up and he doesn't answer "You are! Just because I didn't do it with you! Unbelievable!" I say standing up and walk away. I pull his hoodie off and slam it on the bench in the kitchen "Call me when your head isn't your d*ck!" I exclaim and storm out of the apartment. "Hey Eve" Harrison says coming up the stairs from being away "Harrison" I say through my teeth and continue flying the stairs and make the twenty five minute walk to my house and I storm up to my room and slam the door shut, laying sideways on my bed and start letting the tears come out. One after the other.

"Eve. Sweetie" Emily knocked softly on my door "Go away!" I scream "Eve" She opens the door and closes it softly, "I said go away!" I really didn't want her to leave, she sat next to me and I hugged her so tightly as if she was my real mum. "It's okay. It's okay" She whispers stroking my hair "You're going to meet lots of boys who are going to steal your heart and break it. That's part of life" She says, I didn't even have to tell her "But I really loved him. He was the first boyfriend I ever had" I say disappointed in myself as I had my first heartbreak at seventeen while other girls had their's at thirteen, and I fell for Jake so hard, it hurts "I know. I know sweetie. Trust me it doesn't get any easier but once you find the right man, it won't ever happen again" She says and I continue to cry on to her shoulder until I fall asleep as being mad at Jake and crying about it for twenty minutes took all the energy I had left, out.

Love's In The Water ~Jake Nolan~Where stories live. Discover now