Chapter Twenty Four

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Eve's P.O.V
Jake drove to the venue for my formal. After pulling up, he got out of the driver's and opens my door and I kiss his cheek and take his hand and walk into the room where my formal was being held. "Come on. You have to meet my friends" I say and drag Jake through the crowd of students "Haven't I met them already?" He laughs "Grace, Rose and Chelsea are only three. I got more" I say walking over to the table where my friends are "Guys, this is Jake. My boyfriend" I say holding Jake's hand "Jake, this is Eli, Alex, Cooper, Aden and you already know Noah" I say introducing them as Jake shakes their hand "And these are their dates, Grace, Rose and Chelsea" I say pointing to the girls "What about the other two? Cooper and Eli" He whispers to me "Eli and Cooper are dating" I whisper "Oh. Good for them" Jake says and the girls drag me away from the guys and into the bathroom. "So you brought Jake?!" They squeal "Yeah," I say "See! We told you he'd agree!" Rose says "He's probably doing it to be nice," I say as I'm still not quite sure why Jake agreed to come but he's here and that's all that's matter at the moment "Well, you better keep him. Not many guys will willingly come to a high school formal for their girlfriend that's four years younger than them" Chelsea says and I shake my head before heading back to the boys. "So Jake, you work at the lifeguard tower?" Eli asks "Yeah. Fourth season" Jake answers "And what intentions do you have with Eve?" Cooper questions "Cooper!" I say holding Jake's hand and placing a hand on his arm "It's all good Eve" Jake says to me "To make sure she has a good time at her formal" Jake answers "What about after?" Alex asks "Guys, come on. This isn't grill Jake time" I say but get ignored "To be home by twelve thirty" Jake says and a slow dance plays "And that's our cue to leave. Dance with me Jakey" I say and before he could I pull him over to the dance floor and place my hands in his and he pulls me close and we sway to the beat of the music. 

"Have I told you look beautiful tonight?" Jake whispers in my ear "Yeah. About ten times already" I whisper back "Make it eleven," He says and a blush creeps onto my cheeks "What made you agree to come Jake? Not many people who are twenty-one will willingly give up their Saturday nights to come with high school formal" I ask looking up into his blue eyes "Not many people have an Eve Carroll as their girlfriend and who want her to be happy" He says and I smile even more "I love you Jake" I say "I love you too, E" He says and leans to kiss me before we got shoved apart when the song ended by Aden dancing in between us and the nine of us danced until everyone was called to the stage, at the end of the night . "And the king and queen for Bondi High's graduating class of twenty eighteen are..." The principal says into the microphone "Is Miss Everlynn Carroll and Mister Jake Nolan, who I believe doesn't go to this school" The principal announces, surprising everyone but Jake and I walk onto the raised flooring and collect our crowns before everyone headed home, or each other's - if ya know what I mean.

Jake drives me home and it's exactly twelve thirty when he pulls up in front of my dad's place. "Thank you, Jake. Seriously, for tonight. You didn't have to come" I thank "You would have done the same for me," He says and leans in for a kiss and I would the same, with my eyes closed but never made contact with Jake. I open my eyes to see him looking out of the passenger's window "What? What is it?" I ask "Your dad. He's watching" Jake whispers looking away from Dad and at me "Good..." I say and kiss him goodnight when there was a tap on my window. We pull away "Goodnight Jakey" I say and kiss his cheek one more time, knowing it was Dad that tapped on the window, grabbed my shoes and stepped out of the car, and Jake rolled down the window "Hey Harries" He greets "Hey Jake, she's still my little girl" Dad reminds "Yep. Have a good one" Jake says, slightly scared of Dad's 'dad mode' "You too mate" Dad says going back to being goofy and Jake drives away and Dad walks with me up to the house and I wipe the makeup, undo my hair, slip the dress off and head to bed.

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