Chapter Twenty Five

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*Six weeks later*

Jesse's P.O.V

All the boys who were on duty are in the tower as it's a cloudy, raining day down on the beach when there was a knock on the door, I went to get and was surprised by what I saw. A young girl, about seventeen who as bright pink streaks throughout her hair, and she's wearing a dress with a jacket over the top stood there. She kinda looked like Eve. Actually, she looks it a lot like Eve, all the way down to the scar that runs along her left arm to the curve that sits on her upper lip. "Excuse me?" She asks and I snap out of my daze, "Yeah, how can I help you?" I ask trying to put aside the fact that she looks like one of my best mates "A boy's fallen over near the skate bowl, just up there" She says pointing south "Yep, we'll check it out. Thanks" I say "Could you show us where about's exactly?" I say "Yeah," She says and I invite her into the tower she so isn't waiting at the door. I grab the first aid bag and take Jake with me for this. "You're coming with me," I say pointing to Jake and I follow him as he walks towards this girl and is taken back but goes along with it. 

As we walk, Jake and I ask questions that we need to know for the boy that's fallen. "Is it me, or does she look like Eve? Like a lot" Jake whispers as we walk "Yeah, that's what I thought. Are you sure it's not her?" I ask "You think I'd be able to recognise my girlfriend! She even has the scar down her arm and the curve in her lip," Jake says knowing the curve better than I do "What's your name?" Jake asks as we walk down the  "Piper. Piper Mason" She says "And you's are?" She asks "Jesse," I say "Jake" He answers "How you get that scar Piper?" I ask pointing to the scar on her arm "Don't know. Mum said I was born with it" She says, matching the reason for Eve's scar and we continue to walk as Jake and I keep thinking it's Eve in disguise. We get to the skate bowl and walk a few metres up and there's a boy who looks only about seven. We reach him and start treating the graze on his head and that's all, just a graze on the head. "Thank you," He says and we pack up and leave and walk back to the tower. 

"How much did that girl look like Eve?" The boys were saying when we walked in "She sounded so much like her as well. Except for the voice, no American accent" Max Ayshford says "Something you hiding there Harries?" Maxi asks as Jake and I take a seat when there was another knock on the door and Harries goes to get. "Something you wanna tell me?" Eve asks and you can hear the level of anger in her voice and we lean over the cabins and see Eve and Piper standing in the door and Harries with his back to us "You are?" He asks Piper "Piper. Piper Mason" She answers "And how did you find each other?" He asks "Something. You. Wanna. Tell. Me?!" Eve says through her teeth and Harries lows his head and walks with the two girls and shuts the door so we couldn't hear. "Wonder what that's about?" Deano asks but brushes it off as we have a job to do that doesn't involve eavesdropping on our mate's family life. "I can't believe you lied to me! My whole life!" Eve yelled "Sh*t's going down" Maxi comments "You lied to the guys as well!" Eve yells "What?" Corey says what we're all thinking "No! Get away from me!" She screams "I hate you!" Nothing was said that we could hear or understand "Eve! Come on! I thought you were older enough to handle this!" Harries called What did he tell her?  "Eve! Sweetheart! Please" Harries begged a few seconds, from the windows we saw Eve storm off down the wet promenade and Harries stormed back in to met all of us staring at him "Get back to it!" He demands. Jake, Maxi, Max and I kept glancing out the side window "Go talk to her. She'll probably answer" Harries says and Jake was the first one out of his seat and the three of us followed, Max and Maxi stopped to make sure that Piper was alright while Jake and I ran to Eve.

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