Chapter Two

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Evie - "Yeah, I was sitting in the rhino after getting the call that there was someone out the back and Glick was on the board when this teenage boy came up to me and told me that his mate was in the water and he seemed calm about so I follow him and his mate was at least hundred metres from shore and was, drowning!"

"Is that him there?" I ask pointing a boy in the surf and he nodded his head. I looked around for a board and there was one next to me and I was tossing up in my head if I go or not.

"Oi! Look at this" Jethro says from the tower watching what Eve was going to do.

Evie - I was tossing up in my head if I go against Hoppo's orders and save the boy or stay on land and let him drown

I jog back to the rhino and grab the walkie-talkie "Eve to central, there's a teenage boy who's struggling. Could someone come down and take care of this?" I ask not wanting to sound rude but I can't go in, not against Hoppo's orders "I've got no one available Eve, sorry, but I don't know what to do then" Jethro says and I come with an idea "Is Hoppo still there?" "No..." He answers. I pull my shirt up and over my head and chuck my shoes to the side, grabbing the board before paddling out to the drowning boy.

"Oh no! This is too good!" Jethro says laughing watching the whole things from the tower "She's mental that one" He says as she grabs the board and runs into the water in her bra and underwear.

"You're alright. You're alright mate. I've got you" I say once I reach him and pull him onto the board and I paddle back into shore where Glick was waiting for me. "Thank you so much," The boy says "No problem," I say and put the board back on the stand and walk over to Glick by the rhino "Hoppo's going to kill you," He says.

Glick - "So I finished up the rescue and Eve wasn't in the rhino, and she was in the surf, saving a boy and all I was think was of what Hoppo's going to do to her since she went against his orders. I know that neither of the boys would have done that. She's brave. She got guts, I'll give her that" He laughs at the end

"Hoppo's going to kill you," Glick says as he dries himself off "Yeah, I know. But at least I don't have a job here, otherwise, I would have lost it" I say not thinking the whole thing through as now I have to sit for hours in wet shorts and bra. Glick passed me a towel from the back to dry myself off and I tried to get as much water out as I could, then his lifeguard shirt to cover myself with "Thanks" I say taking it and put it on. "Excuse me, but I've got this lost little boy and I can't leave as my daughter's in the water" A lady with a little boy by her side "Yeah, sure. I'll take him up to the tower" I say stepping out of the vehicle and taking the little by the hand "Could you tell the tower about this?" I ask Glick and tells Jethro about this missing little boy.

"Hey, buddy, what's your name?" Jethro asks as I walk through the door, and the boy was silent "He was talking to me on the way up here" I say "Go on. He's a mate of mine, he won't hurt you" I try to reassure the boy but he wouldn't say a word to Jethro "Well good luck" I say and turn for the door but the boy grabs onto my leg and won't let go. "Argh" I stumble while Jethro laughs "Look, buddy, you're going to have to stay here with Jethro. Don't be scared for him, he may be tall, but he's really just a big kid" I say and he lets go of me and takes Jethro's hand and I walk back onto the beach and up to Glick.

"What's something about you that you don't want anyone to find out?" He asks once we start playing twenty-one questions "I dropped out of school in America" I say "Really?!" "Yeah. That's why I'm home early. I dropped out after the first semester of senior year. Dad will never know since he doesn't know the American school system" I say "Until he watches this" "Yeah until he watches this" I say laughing slightly "What's your mum like? Because you don't have the same intelligence as Harries" Glick asked as we sat in the rhino watching the surf "I don't know, I've never meant my mum. Dad was never one to settle down until he found Emily but before her, it was never serious, until one night. And I've already told you this, but she didn't want me so Dad took me. And Dad packed up and left with me and that's it. He never talks about her and I honestly don't want to know" I say "Eve, could you come and see me in my office when the day is over?" Hoppo radioed "Yes, of course," I say and wait until the end of the day.

"Eve" Deano came and got me from the tower and walked me across the road where Dad and Hoppo were. "I saw the rescue you performed today, minutes after I told you were not allowed to perform any" Hoppo said "Hop, you know it was the right thing to do" Dad stepped in "Harries, I think you're too close to this matter. I would like you to leave, thank you" Hoppo excused Dad and he walked out annoyed.

Harries - "So Eve was called up to Hoppo's office with Hoppo, Deano and myself and I was asked to leave for being too close to the matter and for siding with Eve who's my daughter, so this is going to be interesting"

Dad stood up and gave me a 'good luck' smile before leaving me with Deano and Hoppo. "I don't know what I was thinking. I'm sorry, Hoppo, but if I didn't -!" He held up a hand letting me to stop "I like you, Eve. You're great in the water, great with people, do what you need to do - even if it is going against orders" I look down in embarrassment "I don't what you have, but we need it on the team. So I'm offering a traineeship down on Bondi, starting next week, if you take it" Hoppo offered "Seriously?" I asked lifting my head "Yeah if you take it" Deano say "Yes!" I say excited "Congrats, Eve. We'll see you next week then" Hoppo says and I walk out to Dad who was still angry from being told to leave earlier.

"You're unusually happy. Not many people come out of Hoppo's office smiling from ear to ear" He says "They offered me a job here as a lifeguard" I say "That's great sweetie!" Dad says and we walk to the car and he drives home where Emily and Billy were.

Love's In The Water ~Jake Nolan~Where stories live. Discover now