Chapter Twenty Seven

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The four of us had been sitting in silence for the last ten minutes and it was getting awkwarder by the minute. "Why did you call us here Eve?" Dad asks me "We want an explanation. Dad said yesterday that you left the hospital without me because I was sick but then Piper said that he left you" I say to Mary "So which one is true? Who left the hospital first?" Piper asks "I-I did," Mary says "Now that we've established who left first. There's only one thing common between the two stories is that the other isn't mentioned. Why's that?" I ask and Mary and Dad look at each other for an answer. "Well, Piper wasn't mentioned for this very reason. So you wouldn't go looking for her than whatever this is, won't happen" Dad answers "Well how did that work out for you? Here you both are, finally telling the truth after about seventeen and a half years!" Piper takes the words out my mouth "Anything else you want to know, girls?" Mary asks "Yes. I have a lot of questions" Piper says and I nod to agree with her.

"Why did you leave with me and not Eve?" Piper asks her mum and honestly, if it weren't for dad feeling sorry for me, only God knows where I'd be. "You were born first Piper, but made it hard for Eve to breath. She was very sick already and then your umbilical was around her neck - cutting off her oxygen supply. Once she was born, she was taken to get looked at and get oxygen" Mary said not looking at either me or Piper. "The doctors and nurses said that there was a very little chance of Eve surviving so I took you, and ran," Mary says as tears rolled down her cheeks and Dad rubbed her back being the kind bloke he is. "Giving up Eve, was the hardest thing I've ever done and I regret it. I would like to make it up to you" She says and I look at her.

I don't know whether to be angry at her for leaving her while I was dying or if I should happy that she regrets leaving me and wants to make a mead to things "What do you say, Eve? Wanna come live with me and Piper?" She says and I don't know what to say. I mean, yeah, it'd be great to live with my mum and sister but then I'd be leaving Jake, and Dad and the boys and my entire life behind. "I'm gonna stay here in Bondi with Dad" I decline "So Eve do you any siblings other than Piper?" Mary asks "Yeah. I got two little brothers. Leo and Billy" I say "Your's?" Mary asks turning to Dad "Yeah, mine and my wife's" He says "Wife? You're married?" She asks "Yeah, her name's Emily," Dad says "What about you? Husband? Kids?" Dad asks curiously "No, just Piper" She answers and another awkward silence falls over the wooden table. Dad looks at his watch "Well, I've got go and pick up Billy and Leo from preschool. Eve" Dad excuses himself and drags me with him and drives back home.

Call me. Piper's name pops up on my phone as Dad pulled up to the house and gets out of the car. "You're grounded Eve! Give me your phone!" Dad demands as we walk into the kitchen were Emily and the boys are "Dad!" I say trying to reason with him. "You seriously can't be mad at me, can you?! I found my sister and my mother! My mum who left me in a hospital to die!" I scream and he just glares at me "So don't drag me into this!" He screams back "You are unbelievable! Dad! You've lied to me my whole fucking life! How would you react when you found out that you have a sister, not just any sister, a twin! You're lucky, you and uncle Sean weren't separate because your parents broke up when you were born!" I yell "Language Eve!" Emily barks as she rushes the boys out of the room "Shut up! You're not even my real mum!" I spit back "Eve! Go to your room now! No phone, no tv and no car" Dad tells, gesturing to the stairs telling me to go to my room. I stomp up to my room and slam the door shut "That's your board gone as well!" He calls from downstairs and I scream "Might as well take Jake while I'm at it! Don't push me, Eve!" Dad threatens and I spend the rest of the night in my room.

I pack a bag with clothes and climb out of bedroom window and into the garage to grab my skateboard and skate to Jake and Harrison's apartment. "Eve? What are you doing here?" Harrison asks as he opens the door "Can I stay here?" I ask "Yeah, sure. You know where Jake's room is" He says and lets me in and I walk to Jake's room and place my bag on the floor before walking back out to the living room. "What are you doing here?" Harrison asks "Me and dad got into a fight and he basically took everything off me, or I would have called," I say sitting down on the couch "What was it about, the fight? If you don't mind me asking" He asks sitting down with me "Piper and I made her mum and dad meet for the first time in seventeen years and it exactly well. Dad left halfway through with me and grounded me and took literally everything away from me" I say slouching back "So you came here?" "Yeah. Got any beers?" I ask standing and walking over to the kitchen " What? No! Eve!" Harrison says behind as I grab a bottle but he grabs it from behind me and I turn around annoyed. "You can stay here, but you cannot drink the alcohol," He says and places the bottle back in the fridge and shuts it "Thanks," I say and walk away to Jake's room and chill in there for a while.

 Avoiding everything and everyone.

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