Chapter Four

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Jake's P.O.V

"Um, yeah, boys could you get the police down here? There's a bloke down here disturbing the peace" Mouse radioed "Copy" Harries says as Maxi phones the police "Hey, it's Maxi from Bondi lifeguards and there's a bloke down at north Bondi disturbing the peace" Maxi says "Can someone come down with Eve's... inhaler? Her asthma seems to playing up" Mouse radioed and Harries sprint down to Eve's bag and heads down for the second buggy, I'm right behind him and he starts it up and sped down the beach.

Harries parks the buggy and gets out immediately chucking me the inhaler as he runs after the bloke with Mouse. I hope out and pass the inhaler to Eve, I watch as she takes a few deep breaths of it but it doesn't seem to work. "You're bleeding pretty badly. I'm going to take you up to the tower and we'll take it from there" I say and lift Eve to her feet and help her to the can-am and sped back to the tower.

"You okay?" I ask as she didn't look good like her face had lost all colour and she just didn't look like her normal self "Yeah" She answers standing up and taking a puff from her inhaler. Eve looked so sick and not like herself and I knew that she wouldn't be able to walk up the stairs, so I picked her up under the knees and carried her up the stairs. "Thanks" She thanks and I place her back on her feet "Yeah, no problem" I reply and she stumbles into the tower.

"Eve! Eve! Can you hear me?" I ask shaking her, no response "Eve? Eve, can you hear me?" I ask again and she let out a moan "She needs oxygen, now!" Hoppo says coming into the tower after hearing the situation over the radio and has come down. I pick her up as she's blacked out and a dead weight, and carry her over to the first aid and place the mask on over her mouth and nose and she came back around. "You good E?" I ask and she weakly nodes "You sure?" I ask as she can barely keep her eyes open, before blacking out again. "Police have just arrived" Maxi says as two policemen walk to the promenade where Harries and Mouse were holding the man to the ground with their combined weight. I start to clean up her cuts and blood coming from her eyebrow. "Yeah, the bloke was arrested and is now off the cooper's station" Harries radios "Nice work boys" Maxi radios "Argh, Harries would you mind getting to the tower quickly. Eve seems to going in and out of consciousness" Maxi radios "Call an ambo" He radios back immediately and Maxi makes another call to triple zero.

Harries comes to the tower and I've never seen him so distressed before. He comes in and immediately runs over to the first aid bed and brushes the hairs from her forehead to the side and is really starting to panic as he can't do anything but wait for the ambo to come. After what seems like ages, the paramedics come and Eve, luckily is conscious for them "Hey, I'm Dav, what's your name, sweetie?" The paramedic asks "Ev-" Eve starts but falls unconscious "Sweetie, what's your name?" He asks again "What's her name?" He asks us "Eve. Everlynn" Harries and I look up at Maxi and Reidy who were just as confused. We all only know Eve as Eve, Evie or E but never have we ever heard Harries or any other lifeguard call Eve, Everlynn. Eve is taken into the ambo and Harries takes the rest of the day to be with Eve in the hospital.

"Did you know that Eve's full name is Everlynn?" I asked walking back into the tower "No. I thought Eve was her name" Reidy says and he's known Harries and Eve the longest "The more you learn at Bondi. Just another day at work" Maxi says and we get back to patrolling the water.

Love's In The Water ~Jake Nolan~Where stories live. Discover now