Chapter Fifteen

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"Eve. Evie" Dad shook me slightly "What?" I say as its Sunday and I couldn't see the sun coming through the blinds "You've got the fun raiser today" He says "What time is it?" I ask propping up on my elbows "Five. You're going to help the boys set up" He says, I groan and he leaves my room. I get out of bed and get changed into my bikini and put a zip up, long sleeve rash shirt on and put trackies on and I head downstairs, being careful not to wake Leo, Billy or Emily up in the process and walk into the kitchen and put three weetbix in a bowl, add a bit of milk and drizzle honey over the weetbix and eat it as quietly as I could and grab an Up and Go to have down on the beach, grab my board and start walking down to tower. 

Mouse, Harrison and Box were on set up. "Morning E" Mouse said energised and I groan "Come here to set up?" Harrison asks "Yeah," I say "Well, come on," He says and  I follow him down into the stairs and to the tunnel. Harrison drives up to North and digs a hole in the sand and I grab the flag and stick it in the hole in the ground "So how's Jake going? Coming down later?" He asks as I jump down on the sign to push the sign further into the sand "Yeah, he's good. He's on South at lunch with Jesse" I say "You should know. He's your roommate!" I add and he fills the hole "True, but he's either here at work, in his room, with you or surfing" He says and we get back into the rhino and finish setting up the beach for the day and I stay down South while everyone who volunteered to help from school came down an hour and a half later to help finish decorating the tent, including Jack and Noah - they're actually stepbrothers so they came down together. Jesse and Maxi were on duty on South and I go over and talk to them. 

"When you surfing?" Jesse asks "Um, within the next ten minutes," I say "Well. good luck" He says "Thanks Jess," I say "Hey! Carroll! You're up next!" Noah called "Coming!" I call back "Knock 'em dead E!" Maxi says and I run to grab my board from the tent and run out into the surf and paddle out and wait for a wave. Seeing one in the back and I get ready to surf it back in. As it came closer, I began paddling and at the right moment I stood up and started doing stunts and tricks until I physically couldn't surf the wave anymore. "You were great E!" Jack came up and said "Thanks," I say and walk into the tent to put my board back since I'm surfing again until a quarter to four and walk back over to the rhino but Jake was there as well "Hey guys," I say "Hey. Since when could you surf so well?" Maxi asks and I shrug my shoulders "Yeah, you were amazing! The trick where you went like" Jake says and makes confusing hand actions "Thanks, Jake. Didn't get that, but thanks" I say "Hey! Eve! Can you do some promotion up there!" Someone called out, I think her name's Rose pointing to the promenade "Yeah, sure!" I say "Well duty calls," I say and back away from the guys "And so does your's," I say pointing the surf where someone was bobbing up and down on the sandbank and head up to the promenade to get people to come down and bet on surfers which they should know about since it been in the local paper every day, the local radio station has announced everyday as well and we've asked cafes opposite the beach to help as well.

After doing the promotion stuff, I take my lunch break and head for the tower for something to eat.  I look in the fridge in the tower and look for a RedBull, there's one but it has 'Kerrbox' written on it, but I really need the energy so I take it out along with a sandwich - don't know whose but I took it and sat at the windows with Whippet. "How's it going Kiddo?" He asks and I inhale the sandwich "Tiring" I say "Box is gonna kill you when he finds out you took his RedBull" He says and I rest my head on my arms, on the desk "Wake me up in two hours" I say and fall asleep right there and then. 

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