Chapter Twenty Two

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My phone rings and I go to answer it. Billy has a day off school and Emily thought it would be a good idea for Leo not to go to daycare and that today would be a good idea to 'get to know' my brothers again, while she and Dad take a two week holiday to America and Hawaii. "Eve! Can you come down to the tower like now!" Corey says "Sorry, but I'm at home with Leo and Billy. Why do you need me anyways?" I ask "We're swamped down here and it would be nice to have an extra pair of hands to help out," He says and I think about it. I could be in the tower with Leo and Billy while the guys do their work on the shore "I'll see you in ten" I say "Thanks a lot Eve. I owe you one" Corey says and hangs up "Wanna go to the beach?" I ask pausing Thomas and Friends "Yes!" They say and I grab a few towels and the boy's swimmers while I get changed into the lifeguard two piece bikini I had from the very short time I was a trainee and buckled the boys into their seats in the car and drove to the beach where I had to park a few hundred metres from the tower because it was late November and the temperature was starting to rise.

"Eve! Thank God you're here! KC could use some help down south" Corey says and rushes out the tower door and down south where Kailan was and I walk over to the windows and watched the water with the binoculars. "Um, tower to black rhino," I say looking at the middle set of flags "Eve?" Ryan asks "Hey, there's a bloke out the back of the middle set of flags, right in front of you" I say into the radio "Copy" He says and strips off and goes in for the rescue, I spin around on the chair and check on Leo and Billy "How you guys going?" I ask but they don't look up from playing with the toy trucks and cars I used to play with, so I take that as a good sign and turn back to the beach.

"Eve" Leo tucks on the bottom of my shorts, twenty minutes later "I need the toilet," He says, doing the pee pee dance. I'm stuck. I can't leave the tower and take him. "Tower to all Bondi lifeguards. If anyone is free for five minutes, could you please come help in the tower?" I radio "Coming E," Reidy says and he walks into the tower. "What's up? What do you need help with?" He asks "Leo needs the toilet," I say and his face drops, as he thought that I actually needed help with something in the tower, not to take my little brother to the toilet "Come on buddy," Reidy says picking up Leo and walks to the back door "Thank you, Reidy!" I call out "Whatever E!" He says and takes Leo to the bathroom. "Tower to can-am" "Go ahead," Bisho says "There's a girl out the back struggling" I radio to the cam-an and I see him get on the megaphone "You might need to go in Bisho" I radio watching the girl through the binoculars "There's the arm. Go Bish" I say and he strips off and grabs the nearest board and heads in and Reidy comes back from taking Leo to the bathroom. "Thank you," I say "Yeah, sure. No problem" He mumbles a little and heads back out.

It was around five o'clock when I got a call from my phone "Hey" I answer without looking at the caller ID "Hey gorgeous, where are you?" Jake asks from the other line and that's when it hits me. Jake was meant to pick me up and take us out somewhere "Oh my God! I'm babysitting my brothers at the moment at the tower. I completely forgot. I'm so sorry" I say "Do you think you can get off?" He asks disappointed "I might be able to get half an hour somewhere. I'll try" I say disappointed as well. I'd rather be with Jake then in the tower with my two brothers "I'll meet you at third ramp in five" He says "See you then" I say happily "See ya" He says and I hang up and watch the water. Ten minutes later Corey comes into the tower "Hey Corey, could I have a break?" I ask "But we need you in the tower," He says "But I've been here for three hours, watching the water, sending the guys in for rescues while watching Leo and Billy at the same time," I say "Fair enough. Thirty minutes, but you have to take ten minutes for them" He says referring to Leo and Billy "Ten extra minutes?" I ask "Nice try. Its included" He says messing my hair up "Thanks. I'll be back for them in twenty" I say and run from the tower to met Jake at third ramp.

"Hey," He says and pecks my lips "Hey, I got thirty minutes but gotta spend ten minutes with Leo and Billy," I say "Well that sucks. Guess we better make the best of the twenty minutes we have alone" He says taking my hand and we start walking "What do you wanna do?" I ask "Well, we're at the beach..." He says "Where all our friends are on duty," I say "So let's tease them. They're at work and we're not" He says and I like his idea and we head down to flags, where Chappo and Jesse were on duty. Jake took off his shirt and I took my singlet and shorts off and walked out to the sandbank and into the shore break.

I splashed water at Jake and he splashed back with bigger splashes, so naturally, I tried running away but Jake caught up, grabbed me by my hips and sank back into the water, falling over and taking me with him and waves crashed over us before we resurfaced. Jake scopes me up in his arms I wrap my arms around his neck "You really are beautiful, Eve" Jake says and I blush and look away "I'm serious" He says and kisses me, cheers from Chappo and Jesse were heard and I smiled into the kiss trying to not to ruin it by laughing. But we both end up laughing and look over at them and the two of them shut up and Jake leans down again, but doesn't kiss my lips but flips my legs over my head and dumps me in the water, I resurface moving the hair from my face and pounce on him but purposely miss. "Missed me, baby," He says "Did I though?" I say and pull his swim shorts down. We're in waist deep water so you couldn't see anything of Jake's that wasn't mean to be on show and I swim as quickly as I could back to shore and start running up the beach while he pulls his swimmers back on. I'm faster than Jake on sand because of the extra fourteen years I've had running on it. I slowed down coming back to the water's edge and Jake side tackles me to the sand and I start laughing at the weight above me and the blue rhino pulls up next to us "You two alright?" Chappo asks "Yeah. Fine" I say laughing, "Absolutely fine," Jake says "You two are mental" Jesse says and drives back to their station.

"That's twenty Eve" Chappo yells and I make my way back to shore "Thanks Chappo," I say dripping water "Thanks, Jake. For coming here even though you didn't have to" I say "You really need to stop that" He says shaking the water out of his hair "Stop what?" I say "Thanking me whenever we go out. I like you, Eve, you should have a good time" He says "Rain check on the surprise date?" I ask "Raincheck," He says and I head back up to the tower to get Leo and Billy and I take them to North Bondi and I kneel on the sandbank. The water runs over their feet and legs and Billy starts splashing in it while Leo runs back to the dry sand. I stand up and walk over to him "What's wrong Leo?" I ask picking him up "You don't like the water?" I say and he shakes his head "Come on. I'll hold you. You'll be fine" I say and walk back to shore where Billy was and I hold him under the arms and dangle his feet in the wet sand as the waves came in and he started getting fiddly as soon as the first wave passed over his feet, then started crying on the second "Okay" I say and place him on my thigh, out of the waves and watch Billy play on the sandbank.

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