Chapter Fourteen

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Over the weekend, Noah and I had spent it planning and organising the fundraising. I was finalising the 'floor plan' when Noah FaceTimed me and I accepted "What's up E?" He asks once it loads "Just putting the final touches on the floor plan" I say "Can you meet me outside the tower?" I ask "Yeah, sure. I'll be there in ten" He says and hangs up and finish drawing in the tent and make the five-minute walk down to the beach, and walk into the tower.

"Hey Eve, haven't seen you in ages," Azza says as I walk in "Hey, what's going on? How's school going?" He asks as we walk to the windows, not many people were on the beach as school's back and people were staying home and doing homework and catching up on house chores and just sleeping in after the first day back at work. "Yeah, good, well as good as it can be," I say "So what brings you down here?" He asks "Um, I'm meeting a friend and then we're going to ask Hoppo for permission to have an event down here in two weeks" I answer "What kind of event?" He asks "Surfing fundraiser for school," I say and there was a knock at the door and I went and got it and Noah was standing there "See ya later Azza," I say and we walk into the pavilion where Hoppo's office is.

"Hop?" I ask knocking on his door "Eve" He looks up from his paperwork "Sorry to disturb you, this won't take long, but could we ask you something?" I ask "Yeah, yeah, come in. I've always got time for you" Hoppo invites us in "Hoppo" Hoppo introduces himself, holding his hand out "Noah" Noah says shaking Hoppo's hand and we sit down. "Ask away," He says sitting back "For school, in homeroom, each class has to organise a fundraiser and we were thinking that we could do a surfing themed event" I explain and Hoppo looks interested "We have everything planned out. We've planned it out at south Bondi" Noah said and I handed Hoppo the floor plan we came up with. "But you need my permission for this to go ahead," He says after examining the paper closely, trying to find a flaw "Yeah..." I say "I'm impressed Eve. You've definitely taken going back to school well, getting involved with the school and organising a fundraiser without a single flaw" Hoppo says, giving us permission to use "When were you think about hosting it?" He asks "Two weeks from today," I say and he agrees "Thanks Hop," I say and he points for us to leave so he could continue with his paperwork.

"Yes!" I say outside and wrap my arms around Noah's neck and pull him into a hug and he returns it. "I gotta go, Eve. Thanks for everything" He says and walks up the street to the bus stop and I across the road to the tower where I'm meant to be meeting Jake as he's planned for the two of us to do something together. "Hey gorgeous," He says behind me "Hey" "Ready to go?" He asks holding his hand out for me to take "Yeah" I say and lace our fingers together and he leads me down the promenade.

"What's the bet Jake's sh*tting himself?" Harrison asks watching the two through binoculars standing in the steps of the tower "Definitely. Hundred and ten percent" Maxi says doing the same "Hope everything goes well for Jake. I mean he did get bashed by her, releasing what she's cable of on him" Harrison says "Oi! You two! Quit spying on them, you've got work to do" Kerrbox says and Maxi and Harrison hurry down the stairs to the middle set of flags and do their job as lifeguards, but all they can talk is the newest couple on the block, Jake and Eve.

We walk into a cafe for lunch and order our meals. "How's school going?" He asks and I'm kind of sick of everyone asking me as I'm repeating it to everyone "Good. Could we talk about something different? That's all everyone's asked me" I say as Jake's beer and my milkshake came, the waitress looked at us weird as she handed us our drinks as she was handing Jake a drink with alcohol and handing me a drink that usually five-year-olds order "Yeah, sure. What do you want to talk about?" He asks taking a sip of his drink "I don't know. How's work been?" I ask "Yeah good. Rescues after rescue after rescue" He answers "How come you've been in the tower most afternoons?" I ask taking a sip of my milkshake "I actually have no idea. I didn't get another shift in there again after Wednesday" He says "Really?! It was probably the guys' way of getting us to talk" I say as we got back together on Tuesday and to make it not suspicious Jake had a shift the next day "Probably, but it worked" He says as our food arrives "What's the bets that the boys are talking about us?" Jake asks laughing at it "Oh definitely. They've got nothing better to talk about" I joke and Jake laughs at it, as do I and the awkwardness goes away and it feels like I'm talking to my best friend and not someone that I kicked last week, or was rejected by.

"You coming down for a surf?" Jake asks as we leave the cafe, hand in hand "No, sadly, I've got homework to do" I say as I don't want to do it but its something that I have to do "What are you going to do?" I ask as we walk down to the sand. "I don't know. I'm meeting Maxi, Ryan and Jesse later at Bronte and go surfing" He says as step onto the sand and start walking down the beach, and up to the tower. "Hey guys," I say walking in with Jake behind me "Hey lovebirds, how was the first date?" Harrison asked "It was great," I say still holding Jake's hand "So a second date then?" Maxi asks and Jake and I looks at each other and smile "That's a definite yes then" Harrison gathers from mine and Jake's reaction "Well, I've gotta go home and do homework" I say "Have fun E" Maxi says and I head for the door "I'll give you a lift E" Jake says "I'll be fine Jake. Walking gives me a reason, not to it. I'll see you later" I refuse to let him take me home, I give him a kiss on the check and went to the door "Oh come on! That's not a kiss!" Maxi calls and I walk back to Jake and smash my lips against his, his hands on the small in my back but I slid them down a bit so they rested on my bum and brought my hands up to his checks. Roars irrupted from the tower and I pull away "Was that a kiss?" ask "Much better than the first one" Maxi says and I head for the door and walk home.

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