Chapter Twenty Six

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Eve's P.O.V

I walk down to the tower in the light rain when I saw that looked exactly me. We both stopped walking and looked at each other knowing that we look like that "Do I know you?" She asks taking the words right out of my mouth "I don't think so. But if you wouldn't mind, would you come with me?" I ask "Where you going?" She asks "Lifeguard tower. I'm gonna get an explanation" I say and she agrees wanting an explanation as well. As we walked to the tower I found that her name was Piper, she was seventeen, and was born in Bondi but raised on the northern beaches, where Jake grew up. I knocked on the door of the of the door and Dad of all people answered it "Something you wanna tell me" I start a little of anger in my voice - don't know where that came from "You are?" Dad asks Piper "Piper. Piper Mason" Piper answers a look of recognition comes across his face. He knows about Piper?! And never told me?! "And how did you find each other?" Dad asks "Something. You. Wanna. Tell. Me?!" I demand and again, I don't know where this anger came from. Dad lowers his head and walks towards us and closes the door behind him and Piper and I step back into a little space that the rain wasn't hitting.

"How do you know Piper?" Dad asks "Funny story actually. I was just walking down the promenade to see if Jake wanted to have lunch on his break when I passed a girl who looked exactly like me, Piper and I asked her if she could come to the tower with me and here we are" I say and Piper nods "And how did you met Eve, Piper?" He asks Piper "I had actually come to the tower about fifteen minutes ago to see if the guys could do anything about a boy who'd fallen near the skate bowl and as I was walking to the bus stop and met Eve on the way" Piper answers "But what we want to know is, why there are two of us and why we were never told that we had a sister?!" I ask getting angry "Your mum didn't tell you?" Dad asks and Piper shakes her head "Well I can't speak for your mum, Piper about why she didn't tell Eve. But Eve, I didn't tell you about Piper, because I didn't know anything about her. I didn't know her name, didn't know where was she, I really knew nothing about her" Dad says "You didn't even bother to go find her?" I ask "Eve, I knew nothing about her. Your mum picked up and left with Piper two days after you were born and left nothing behind. I've told you this" Dad explains "Huh? Mum said you left her with me and she never heard from you again" Piper says confusing all three of us so Piper and I stare at Dad "I think we need to have a further discussion about... this with your mother. I'm Harries by the way, Piper" Dad says, Piper and I look at each other since we came to get answers and got none just more confused, but you usually get that after talking to Dad. 

Dad goes back into the tower and Piper and I decide to go up to a cafe and get to know each other a little better. "You've never been to a beach before, although you lived on the northern beaches?" I say I couldn't believe it. Piper had never been to the beach before and the first time she comes, she finds her sister and father - just another day at Bondi, I guess. Piper had texted her mum asking if she could meet her at a park above the promenade tomorrow and we're going to get answers then since Dad has the day off. "How funny would it be if we prank the guys in the tower by switching places!" I propose "Yes! It should be for a week! Like you live with mum and live out my life and I live with your dad and live out your life" She suggests and we begin planning our parent trap scheme "Tomorrow at ten?" I confirm for our meeting place "Ten up on the hill" She says and we go our separate ways.

The next day, I tell Dad that Jake's parents are down and wanted to meet him and me so he had to look nice but in reality, we're just meeting my mum for the first time in seventeen years. We walk down to Bondi and I look around for Piper and she's sitting at a bench with a woman, slightly younger then Dad so I'm guessing that's her mum and I walk over to her. "Eve. Eve! Everlynn!" Dad whisper yells from behind me "Yeah" I say "I thought we were meeting Jake's parents. Not your mother!" He whisper yells this time beside me "Yeah, not really. But I needed to dress nicely" I say back "You're so grounded miss!" He says and we're standing at the bench "Hey Piper" I greet Piper "Eve, this is my mum Mary. Mum this is Eve and her Dad, Harries" Piper introduces me and Dad to her mum since she's the only one that knows everyone - kinda and I sit down next to Piper forcing Dad to sit next to Mary and an awkward silence has fallen over the bench.

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