Chapter Seven

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Dad had the day off so I was on my own for getting to work "Hey, want a lift? I pass your place every day" Maxi texts "Yes, please. Thank you" I text back and get changed into my swimmers which are part of my uniform with the board shorts that are a lot shorter than the boy's one and my shirt and met Maxi out the front of Dad's place. "Morning E," He said happily "Don't be so happy. It's like twenty past five in the morning" I say tiredly and he drives off to the beach. " and Jake huh?" He starts "Don't. We're just friends" I say "If that's what you say. Does he know that?" Maxi asks at a red light "I hope so. Isn't it illegal or something to be in a relationship with someone under eighteen and the other's over twenty-one?" I question as I don't really know that law "I'm pretty sure, that's for sexual relationships. So you and Jake are fine if you ain't doing the dirty!" Maxi teases as the light turned green and I wanna hit him but I would like to make it to work alive "Of course not!" I say annoyed "Aw, is E annoyed?" He said like an older brother and I just looked out the window ignoring him as he drove to work.

"Ayeee, lovebirds" Jesse said walking in for his shift at ten as Jake and I sat at the windows "It was just dinner" Jake starts "After work, so I don't think it counts" I finish, I didn't mean to finish his sentence, I just did "Aw, cuties. Finishing each other sentences and all" I never thought I'd hear Jesse say something like that, I look at Jake and we both start laughing, trying to avoid the conversation. "What happened last night?" Jesse asked, "Is this about Jake and Eve's date last night?" Harrison said and came and sat down next to Jake "How do all you guys know about last night?" I asked "Harrison's my roommate," Jake says "He came home and did not stop talking about you. He was like 'there were no awkward moments at all. It was like she never left' 'It's amazing how easily you connect with someone' 'she's just amazing' and he just went on and on" Harrison mocked and Jake went bright red. Harrison pushed Jake jokingly and messed his hair up before leaving for his shift down at backpackers.

Through the day, I was thinking about something that I've talked to no one about and I don't know how to get someone else's opinion on it, but everything I have now, that will all change - I mean being a trainee at Bondi, spending all my free time in the surf or on the beach. And honestly, I'm terrified that if I walk away from the ocean and the beach and the boys in blue I will lose myself and I know that sounds weird. But I've grown up in the ocean, sand in my hair - I honestly don't think there's been a day where I haven't had sand in my hair, and the tower is where I've grown up with Reidy, Hoppo, Bisho, Deano, Whippet and Chappo, they've helped me to become the surfer, lifeguard and person, I am today. As clichè as it sounds.

"You alright?" Jake asks and I snap out of my thought bubble "Yeah. Just thinking" I say "About what?" Jake asks "Nothing" I reply trying to brush it off, but I know that Jake knows me too well and is going to ask more questions "Seriously, what's up?" He asks I'm hesitant to answer "I wanna go back to school. Graduate high school, get a high school certificate, do the HSC" I admit and look at Jake. He finished high school and went straight into the lifeguard service "You know that will mean giving up the traineeship" Jake says "Yeah, I realize that but I want to finish school. High school at least" I say watching the water "Who knows about this? Does Harries know? Hoppo?" Jake asks "No. No one knows except you" I say "I have no idea what I'm going to do. I got the traineeship handed to me on a silver platter and then I'm gonna throw it away while people like Tommy will do anything to be a traineeship down at Bondi" I add as I know that there's a ton of people waiting for a spot at Bondi as a trainee. "Do want you to want, not what others want you to do" Jake says and went back to watching the water while I sat in my own thoughts.

"E, could you get the door?" Jake asked as he looked through the binoculars, I went and got the door from the promenade "What ya do to yourself?" I ask as his face is all bloodied up and down the left side of his torso and his mate wasn't any better. He wasn't bad looking. "Flat rock?" I ask and they nod their head and I sit them on the first aid bed. I grab everything I need to clean their grazes and walk back over to the guys. It's hot so I have my shirt off but had my boardies on so it wasn't like I was walking around in basically underwear. "I've never gotten the interest of flat rock. And I'm the youngest in the service" I said as I cleaned the grazes on the first guy "It's the thrill of jumping off and coming back" He says "But why? Especially on high tide" I ask "Don't know. Just seemed like a good idea... at the time" He says "How old are you?" He asks "Sixteen" I answer "Got a boyfriend?" "No" I answer as this exact same thing happened yesterday "Want one? Because I'd happily be him" Why can't I just have a normal..ish day at work where I don't get asked if I have a boyfriend and someone 'changing that'. "No thanks. I don't date idiots and the biggest come from Flat rock" I say shut him down fast and finish cleaning him and his mate up. "Don't go to Flat rock again" I say and let the two guys go and I walk back to the windows, taking a seat and resting my legs on Jake's lap. I've been standing for the last half hour with cleaning the two guys up.

Jake gave me a ride home and I was just in time for dinner.

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