Chapter Thrity Two

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I was discharged the next day with crutches and I took Max Asyhford up on his offer of letting me stay with him, Piper left yesterday because of her work but I said I'll stay back and face Dad. I feel bad for Max as he has to help me get up every time I sit down and this time is no exception. I see him walk past the couch and to the kitchen. I hear the kettle boil and I know that he waits for it to boil before doing anything else "Hey Max, can you please help me up?" I call and I hear his footsteps come around the couch until he's standing in front of me, looking down smiling. I take his hands and he pulls me up, I hop on my good foot trying to catch my balance while Max reaches for my crutches and hands them to me. "Thanks," I say before using them to walk into the bathroom and have a shower.

As Max places breakfast on the table, I hop over to it and sit down. "You got work today?" I question before starting on the scrambled eggs and Max nods his head while taking a bite of toast "Can I come?" I ask and Max stops eating and I know from the look he's giving me, he's going to say no. "That's a lot of movement and walking Eve," He says unsure "I know, but it's boring being stuck in an apartment, as nice as your apartment is" I try to sweet talk him. He looks at me once more before saying "Sure, but if it starts to hurt, you're going home" Max says sternly and I look at him surprised. "You're not a child anymore, you can make your own decisions" Max justifies "You made that perfectly clear" He gestures to what I've done to my body. I smile a half-smile as that was a backhanded compliment and go to finish getting ready.

I met Max at the door to his apartment and we take the lift down the car park, I use the crutches to "walk" to his car while Max stays behind me in case I fall. "I'm not twelve remember," I say as I place the crutches in the back of his car "Remember what happened last time you had crutches?" He questions as he gets in the driver's side "Shut up!" I say jokingly getting in the front passenger's side and he drives to the beach. Max grabs my crutches and leans them against the car and helps me out before I grab them hop over to the tower, next to him. I hobble next to him and Max opens the door to the tower, the steps were hard but I managed and looked through the windows. Nothing's changed in the last three years.

Max left for his shift at Backpacker's leaving me in the tower until the person who's meant to be here arrives. That person was Jake. "Eve?" His voice rang through the small room "Yeah?" I ask carefully spinning on the chair "What are you doing here?" He asks confused walking to a seat "Sitting here" I say turning back around slowly "What's new with you? Except moving away from Harrison" I ask trying to ignore the awkward tension in the room. "That's it" He smiles. Damn, I miss that smile. "What about you? What's new? Besides the obvious things," He asks nodding at me and gesturing to my foot. 

"Um, nothing really. Oh! Except I'm getting married in two weeks" I say bluntly, not knowing if I should tell my ex-boyfriend "What! You're twenty-three!" He exclaims standing up from the chair surprised. "Yeah, I know. I don't even like the guy" I say smiling unironically "Why are you smiling? And why are you marrying a guy that you don't even like?!" Jake asks confused sitting back down "Because he's hot as fuck and rich as hell" I answer looking at the water. I look over at Jake as he hasn't said anything for the last few minutes " gotta tell him that you don't love him" Jake says like I didn't know "Jake, I've told him. I've tried to break up with him, but his family won't let him" I answer "They're so controlling and manipulative. I can't leave and neither can he" I say, looking back out the windows.

A few hours pass and there is a knock on the door to the pavilion, which Jake has to answer since I can't because of my ankle "Is she here? Is Eve here?" His familiar voice asks from the doorway "Yeah, come in. She's at the windows" Jake explains and leads him to the stairs where I was sitting "Hey Evie" He smiles as I turn around on the wheely chair. "Hey Calum" I greet awkwardly looking at him "How's your foot?" "Still attached" I reply which makes him smile, he does have a great smile. "When are you coming home?" He asks and I glance at Jake, having hoped to avoid this conversation or at least not have it in the middle of the tower. "I'm not coming home. This is my home" I answer looking back at Calum "What do you mean? We have a place up north, on the Sunshine Coast. That's your home, our home" Calum reminds me "Cal, can we not do this here? Not now?" I ask, wanting Calum and me to talk about this privately. "No! We need to have this conversation now" Calum yells, grabbing my arm as  I try to walk past to talk the conversation out onto the pavilion.

I see Jake stand up from his chair as Cal grabs me "Outside!" I say loudly, looking up at him and shoving my arm from his grip before Cal stomps outside. I go to follow him outside when Jake puts a hand out in front of me "I can call the police and they'll be here in 10 minutes. Do you need help?" He asks, whispering the last part. I open my mouth to answer, take his help "Eve!" Calum yells "I've got to go, Jake," I say quietly, ashamed and head out the back door to an angry Calum waiting. 

***Hello, my name's Charlie and I know it's been a while, sorry. I just got lazy with all my stories, actually. But if you have any ideas or suggestions, leave them down in the comments below and I might upload again in the next 2 years. Sorry. ~ Byeeeee Charlie***

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11 ⏰

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