Chapter Five

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Eve's P.O.V

Later that day, closer to the night, I woke up with Dad by my side in a hospital bed. "Hey, how you feeling princess?" Dad asks "Good. What happened?" I ask "You don't remember?" I shake my head "You just saved a little girl when her dad came up to you and punched you and winded you and your asthma kicked in and mucked up your breathing and you blacked out at the tower and you were then taken here" Dad explains "I walked up the stairs unconscious?" I ask as it doesn't make sense "No. You were struggling to hold your own weight so Jake carried you up the stairs and to the bed" He explains "Oh" I still don't remember it though. "Looks like you're ready to go. I recommend that you stay away from angry dad's and away from the water in case it flares back up, only for a couple of weeks" The doctor said and discharged me.

"Come on, let's go home," Dad said and drove me home where Emily, Leo and Billy were waiting. "Eve, are you okay? What happened?" Emily asked "Yeah, I'm fine. Just an asthma attack" I say and I go to my room. I open the door and the room hasn't changed since I was fifteen before I left for America. Emily called for dinner and I walked out and joined my brothers and Dad for dinner. I talk to Emily or the boys over the weekend as I was still settling in and dealing with jet lag and dealing with being at Bondi and having jet lag so I was in my room all weekend and Emily got that and didn't let Leo or Billy disturb me. "How was America? How was the surf?" Emily asked as we ate "Yeah, yeah, good. Confusing but the surf was good" I say "How was school?" She asks "Yeah, different. Since it was a talent school, instead of doing electives you did what you're there for" I said. The surf school, I attended here in Bondi it was one that showcased talents and each year there'd be a competition at Bondi for surfing and someone from an American special selective school saw how I surfed and offered me the one scholarship that they were offering and this one school, there were no elective classes but your talent so pretty every day during school I'd be surfing for a subject.

"So you were surfing during school?" Emily asked concerned since she's a high school teacher (I have no idea what Emily's occupation is in real life, by in this story, she's a high school teacher) "Yeah. But I did pass all my subjects with A's and B's so I didn't slack off and fail school" I say to Emily as that's her greatest concern with me, not passing school and putting no time into school and put all my force into surfing and the beach. "Show me your grades," She said and I went and got my school report from my room and Emily studied it "I'm impressed. I actually thought you'd let your grades slip. A 'B' in surfing?!" Emily said surprised as that's what I went there for "Yeah, but that's because the teacher didn't like me very much" I say brushing it off "Why? What did you do?" Dad asks "I showed him up. Everything he thought he could well, I could do better, he didn't like the way I could teach the class better than him and he didn't like it when I didn't do what he asked because I already knew how to do it well" I say "That's my girl!" Dad says and high fives me.

After dinner, I call Hoppo and tell what happened after I left the tower. "Hey Hop," I say after he answers "E, what happened to ya?" He asked "Just an asthma attack that decided to stick around. The doctor said that I should stay away from the water in case it flares back up and from angry dads" I say laughing a bit at the end "Far enough. For how long?" "A few weeks, just to make sure that it doesn't come back up," I say "Thank you for letting me know E. I'll change the roaster" Hoppo said "Thanks Hop" And hang up.

The next morning, Jake was in the tower with me at ten when there was a knock at the door. I go and answer it and there was a lady with two kids, not older than six "I found this one down by the pools and this one closer on the sand" She said, "Could I leave them with you?" She asks "Yeah, sure," I say and the two kids walk into the tower and the lady leaves "Looks like we're on babysitting," I say and the two kids take a seat next to Jake and I "Do you know what you're parents are wearing?" I ask "Dad's in a blue singlet and black shorts" The boy answered "Mum's in white shorts and pink shirt" The girl says "Tower to all lifeguards, there's two kids up here one says their dad is wearing a blue singlet and blue shorts" Jake radios "Did you say, two kids,?" Whippets radios back "Yeah, a boy and girl?" I reply "Are they related?" "Are you guys related?" Jake asks them and they look at each and shake their heads "No, they are not related. So we're looking for a man in a blue singlet and black shorts and a woman in a pink shirt and white pants" I say "Copy" "How old are they?" Deano asks "How old are yous?" Jake asks "Four" The girl answered "Six" The boy answers "What's your names?" I ask "Willow" The girl answers "Jake" The boy answers and lifeguard Jake fist bumps little Jake "E?" Whippet asks "The girl's name is Willow and she's four and the boy is Jake and he's six," I say "Copy" and I look for a man and women of the descriptive.

Half an hour later, and there's another knock at the tower from the promenade and Jake goes to answer it, seconds later Jake comes back with another lost kid. "And apparently we're babysitters," I say as the third kid sits next to me, but this kid's looks about ten "What's your name buddy?" Jake asks "William" He answers "How old are you?" "Eleven" He answers, "I think I've got the mum" Chappo radios "Copy," I say and watch the mother walk up to the tower "Hey Willow, is that your mum?" I ask the little girl pointing to her mum and she nods her head and her mum comes and collects her. "Thank you! Thank you so much!" She says and leaves with Willow. "One down, two to go," I say "Do you remember what your parents were wearing?" I ask William "I didn't come with my parents," He says "Then who did you come with?" Jake asks "No one. I came by myself" William answers "Do you have a number we could call and someone could pick you up?" I ask and he shakes his head.

"Do you have a boyfriend?" William asks me and Jake spits out the water he was drinking "No..." I answer "A hot thang like you should have a man. I could be that man" He says and Jake starts laughing "Did you say thang?" I ask as I haven't that...ever!

Eve - "Yeah, so there was this eleven year old boy in the tower who came to the beach alone and doesn't have a number for us to call and then he asks if I have a boyfriend. And I'm like 'what?! You're eleven' then he says 'a hot thang like you should have a man. I can be that man' and Jake isn't an help, he's laughing his head off and I'm there like 'did you just say thang!' Is that still a thing? That's what H would have used to pick up chicks when he was my age, not in twenty eighteen"

Jake was holding the the radio and held the button when the boy asked me about having a boyfriend "Did he just say thang?" Deano radios and Jake starts laughing as he held the button "Yeah. He's only eleven" Hale radios back "I thought you said he was six?" Whippet asks "Another came. He came alone and doesn't have a number that we can call" Jake radios "I got the dad" Deano says dropping the conversation before. "Is that your dad?" Jake asks little Jake and he nods. "Jake, where were you? You had your mother so worried" His picked up him hugging "Stepmum" Jake corrects and his laughs putting him down and they leave "Two down, one to go" I say and we both look at William "Oh boy" Jake says and I nod. Not only do we have to watch the water and make sure no one frowns but now we have this little boy who came alone to the beach and we can't call anyone who's just a pain in the backside and is constantly wanting attention that neither me or Jake could give him.

*Hi, I'm Charlie and I'm the author of this Bondi rescue story and this is my first reality story so it may be a little crappy and not as good as other Bondi rescue stories. If you have any suggestions, leave 'em in the comments and I'll add it into the story a couple chapters later and give you full credit for it. ~ Byeeeeee Charlie*

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