Chapter Six

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"Look, buddy, we're going home. You should too" Jake says "But it's only 7pm" William complained "We've been here since nine this morning" Jake tries to compromise "So, it's only seven though" He argues and I had, had enough with this kid's attitude "Listen here Will, you will go home back to your parents as I'm sure that they have been worried about you. You've in this tower since eleven this morning and you've annoyed the crap out of us. Go home!" I snap, I didn't mean to snap at him, but he'd been on my nervous all day ever since he walked through the door and he leaves the tower without a word "Eve" Hoppo said and I lower my head and followed Hoppo to his office.

"We have a few things to discuss Eve," Hoppo said not sounding impressed and I slowly nod my head "First thing, you called a member of the public yesterday an a**hole" Hoppo started and played the video that the camera crew filmed yesterday "Yeah. I'm sorry about that but in my defence, he did punch me" I know it's a weak argument "Yes, but we don't address the public rudely, no matter how much they irritate us. Which brings me to my next point" Hoppo says "You should learn to keep your temper under control and not flare up at eleven-year-olds" He says "Not my proudest moment" I admit and Hoppo lectured me on that"I'll let you off with a warning, but it if it happens again, watch out!" He warns and dismisses me. "Wanna grab dinner, E? I can drop you off home. I'll be like old times" Jake asked, surprising me as I thought he had to go home "Sure. You're shouting!" I say and he flings his arm around my shoulders bringing me down to his waist and messes my hair up with his knuckle and we walk to the pub up the road.

We're seated at the back of the pub in a booth and we ordered "I'll have the steak - medium rare, with chips, Diana gravy and a Carlton" Jake ordered "And I'll have the BLT club sandwich with chips and gravy on the side, with a solo" I order, what? I like food, and we talk about everything and anything. "How annoying with that kid today?" Jake says "Don't get me started! Who the heck says thang? I don't even think H says that" I say referring to H who's like sixty and Jake laughs "I know! And everyone heard!" He was still laughing "Yeah, thanks for that!" I say pushing him lightly on the arm and Jake just laughed harder. "Have you ever been a lost kid on Bondi before? Like one of the ones today?" Jake asks as our meals arrived "Yes. A ton of times" I say as if that's a question "Really?!" Jake asked "Yeah! Is that even a question? Hello! My dad's Harries and I like the surf" I say and we eat our meal laughing at each other and with stories that we've witnessed at Bondi.

Jake pays and we head back down to the to tower where Jake had parked his car when a girl came up to us on her skateboard and said her mate had fallen off his skateboard in the skate bowl. I open up the tower and grab the first aid bag while Jake asks the girl questions about her mate, like where'd he'd fallen - in the deep or shallow bowl, and if he landed on his head and was bleeding from his head if his neck or back was hurting. As we hurry over to the skate park "Who skates at eight thirty at night?" I ask as its well after dark even for summer "I don't know" Jake said and we follow the girl. We get to the skate bowl and there's a whole group of skaters shining torches down the bowl so it was lit up and we could see the boy clearly. "You wanna take this?" I ask "You're the trainee," He says and I slid into the bowl "Hey mate, what's your name?" I ask "Mason" He answers "Hey Mason, I'm Eve and I'm just going to check out what you've done to yourself" I say and I roll him over and he's bloodied up the side of his face and down the side of his arm and looks like he broke his arm and dislocated his wrist.

I glove up and Jake passes me everything I need to clean Mason's wounds. "Jake, could you get an ambo down here? It looks like he's broken his arm and dislocated his wrist" I say to Jake and he calls triple zero for the ambo. "On a scale from one to ten, ten being the highest, how much pain are you in?" I ask as he might need the green whistle "Nine" He says and Jake makes up the green whistle as trainees can't "Breathe in this. Its gonna taste foul at first cause its medicine but it'll get better" I explain handing it to Mason and after one breath he was gone. "You're pretty" "I love you mate" "You're the best" Were some of the things that came out of this guy's mouth, directed to myself and his mates that were around him. The ambo arrived and took Mason away to the hospital to get surgery for arm and wrist and the girl that came to get us, was actually his girlfriend and went into the ambulance with him.

"What a night," I say as we walk to Jake's car "Never a dull moment, ever, on Bondi," Jake says and drives me home. "I'll see you at five thirty tomorrow morning," Jake says as I get the car and I groan "That's the spirit!" He says as he watches me walk to the door, to make sure that nothing happened. I waved at him at the door and he drove off, I opened the front door and met a very angry dad. "How the hell have you been? Do you know how worried I was?!" He yelled "Relax dad, I was called into Hoppo's office after work and Jake stuck around and took me out to dinner then there was an incident then Jake drove me home," I say and I know dad trusts the guys so I walked away knowing that I had won and went to bed.

Love's In The Water ~Jake Nolan~Where stories live. Discover now