Chapter Thirty One

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Once in the hospital, I'm put into surgery to close the bite wounds and to clean it out of all the sand and salt. I wake up and Piper isn't in the room."She's at mine" A way too familiar voice says "Dad?" I question "Evie," He says walking over to the bed "What are doing here? How did you find about this?" I ask as I asked the guys not to tell him. "Bastards!" I call "You can leave," I say to Dad "Eve, you don't mean that" He says hurt "Yes I do. You hurt me, dad. You didn't want me to know my sister! Of all people" I say harshly looking at him "Alright, I'll go, but if you need. You're room is always available" He says before leaving my room. I close my eyes for what felt like a spilt second when I hear the door open and shut again. "I swear to God, if it's Dad- " I star but stop when I realise it's Mouse and Deano.

"Has it spread that quickly?" I ask and Mouse nods his head "How you feeling, Evie?" Deano asks sitting in on of the seats beside the bed and Mouse takes the other one "Tried" I say "What happened exactly? Obviously, you got bitten by a shark, but like" Mouse starts "Piper and I wanted to go for a day trip somewhere and she wanted to go surfing so we came here. A few hours later, it starts getting rough and we head in, and I was knocked off my board and hit my head against the reef in south corner" I say looking between the two men "When I resurfaced, surfer's had left and I felt this pain in my ankle and I look down  and there's this shark, I don't know what breed it was, because quiet frantically, it wasn't my highest priority at the time. One guy got me on his board and Whippet, Jake and Maxi cleaned me up before the ambo came" I conclude, looking between the two men who were looking at me strangely.

"What? Is there something on my face?" I ask as they've been staring at me for the past five minutes in silence "No, it's just, this isn't the Eve we know" Deano says "What do you mean? I'm still me!" I defend "The Eve we knew, didn't dye her hair a crazy colour, she didn't have tattoos and she didn't have piercings" Deano points out the things I've done to my body over the three years. "That was when I was seventeen! I'm twenty now, I can make my decisions now!" I defend "Its my body, I choice if I want to have needles in it!" I continue to argue. "We weren't saying that, Eve," Deano says calmly "Well you implied it. If you don't like it, then leave. I didn't ask for you's to be here!" I cut harshly, something developed over the past years, defending myself and only looking out for myself and Piper. Deano and Mouse look hurt "If you really want us, we'll leave, but don't forget where you're from and don't forget who raised you," Deano says wisely before him and Mouse leave my room.

I sit in the hospital going through the borning tv channels over and over, hoping something decent would come on, but nothing did so I sit on my bed until I hear on the door "Come in" I call, wanting some company and Hoppo, Whippet and Max Asyhford walk in and stand around the end of the bed. "You're welcome to sit down" I laugh as they look awkward "You okay, Evie?" Hoppo asks as he sits in a chair beside me "Emotionally or physically?" I ask, looking at him "Both" Whippet answers behind him "No" I reply. Nothing has been the same since I left, I miss surfing when I wanted, I miss Bondi and I miss my family. "What's on your mind, E?" Max asks and I look at him "I'm in a relationship with a man who I hate and I can't get out of. My apartment is disgusting, I was bleeding out of my leg from being back home" I complain as a few tears roll down my cheeks as I've been holding this in for so long "Back home?" Hoppo questions my choice of wording "Bondi, being back at Bondi" I explain and the room is silent "Why have you never come before?" Max asks and I shake my head. "I was too afraid to. I didn't know what Dad thinks of me or what Jake thinks or what you guys think? I mean I ran away with a girl I barely knew" I justify myself "Well, you're always welcome back at the tower any time" Hoppo says and taps my good leg lightly, smiling and I smile back "Yeah, if you don't want to face Harries yet, you can also stay at mine" Max offers "Thanks Ashy" I say and a nurse comes in and tells the guys that visiting times are over and I need to get some rest. They all hug me before leaving and for once, I'm able to sleep peacefully. 

**Hello, remember me? Charlie, the author, I'm sorry, this story kinda went to the side, I lowkey forgot about it, and I also didn't know what to put into the chapter so if you have ideas for them, that would be great as I love to start this story back up again ~ Byeeeee Charlie**

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