Chapter 1- Staring Again

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A/N: Hey people! Here's my first story! If you are looking for the One Direction part, it comes later in the story. Sorry if that's disappointing!

Chapter 1 Staring again

I feel so bored. It’s the middle of history class, not like our history class is boring. It’s quite the opposite. We did so many projects that I need probably two months to catch up on sleep. But of course there is a good side to the projects. Its her.During projects we do basically anything we want, as long as we get it done. It always seems though, that before we do finish the project we hang out a bit. Just chill. That’s the best part. And she’s always there.

“A new inspiration!” exclaims my history teacher, Mr. C. He does that often. Usually when my friend Hunter starts talking. “A movie project, everybody! On Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein, starting chapter 5! Think about some ideas on script, costume and such. I’ll sort you guys into groups soon.”

“Ugh,” her friend (and also mine, kinda), Scarlett, moans.

“C’mon, it’s probably gonna be fun,” she coaxes.

“Totally,” her other friend, Colleen, agrees. Colleen is the one who’s pretty tech savy. She also does like every sport possible.

“Fine,” Scarlett agrees, a bit aggressive. That’s the thing about Scarlett, though. She can be so sweet, yet so vicious.

“Yes!” Violet says. Violet is another of her close friends. Violet’s the hard worker. The extra credit gal. The one who focuses on school the most.

“You’re staring again, ‘Prince Charming’,” Chris jokes. He sat right next to me, in the back of the room. She sat in front. He usually snaps me back to reality.

“Shut up,” I say. I can’t stand ‘Prince Charming’. She probably doesn’t even know I’m alive. Sure, we’ve talked a bit, but that’s because her friends were there. I don’t even think she knows my name.

“Whatever suits your fancy,” he says.

Mr. C sorts us into groups. And here I am, with two of her closest friends, Scarlett and Violet. And there Nathan, my best friend, is, with her. I don't where this is going, but I don't like it.

Already, she’s giggling. I can also see Nathan next to her doing a hilarious Frankenstein impression. I send him a warning look. I know it sounds childish, but I called dibs. Nathan was very disappointed, I mean who wouldn’t? She’s fit, always smiles, is nice to people and doesn’t get caught up in the girl drama. Well, I take that back. She doesn't start the girl drama, from what I've heard. I love her name. Alexandra. Innocent. Delicate. Beautiful. But it still had that kick. That bit of sass, and fierceness.

Nathan stops. Then she’s on to business. She does take school seriously, despite her care free image. Her face changes from her usual smile to this super focused look. But soon enough it’s changed again because of something that her bestie Colleen said. It was kinda expected. She basically laughs at anything. And that only makes me want her more.

“Devin!” Scarlett says, almost shouting.

“Huh?” I say, stupidly.

“Were you even listening?” Violet asks me.

“No, sorry. Can you repeat that?” I inquire. I feel like a total idiot. I want her friends to say nice things about me to her. Maybe that way she’ll notice me. They don't repeat it.

Violet and Scarlett walk away, and their destination seems to be Alexandra’s side. Scarlett whispers something in her ear and she giggles. Girls, I have no idea what they laugh about, but it seems to be anything. At least in hercase.

They return and we start to do script. I have some of my best friends in this group. I feel kinda bad, because we got to chose two other people to be in the group, and I didn’t chose Nathan. Instead, I have Hunter and Jack to back me up. Problem is, they don’t know I like her. And Hunter has had like 5 billion girlfriends, so he knows how to get girls. And I don’t. But then again, Nathan is in a relationship right now. Why am I being so stupid?

History ends, and Violet and Scarlett seem to know something I don’t. They’re my friends and all, but of course as being girls, don’t seem to tell me everything. I’m off to science.

A/N: How was that? Bad? Good? Comments and votes are welcome! Should I upload the entire story now? I already have it written... MWAHAHA! 

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