Chapter 25 - Promise Me This

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Months later

After about a week of living together I found that Fighting Reality is a lot like One Direction. Nathan was just like Niall. They were sweet, laughed at just about everything and had those puppy dog eyes. Conor and Liam could be twins, personality wise. They were the most sensible throughout the entire group. Conor and Liam were the ones who drove us home from parties and bars most of the time. Zayn and Jackson were exactly like each other. Quiet and mysterious to others, but we all knew the truth. They were loud. They were funny. And definitely had a bit of mischief here and there. Speaking of mischief, Alexandra and Louis were always getting in trouble with Liam. Or Conor. Either way, they had always pulled a prank or something of the sort. They had that smile on their face that could make you happy in a second. Or annoy you till you want to hurt them, but make you laugh before you do so. They don't like to show it, but they love to go shopping. That just leaves Harry and me. We're pretty much the same. We kinda quiet, but still loud. Stubborn, and strong willed is what Alexandra or Louis would say. It's kinda weird, how this happened. I was best friends (and dating) Alexandra, and Louis and Harry were best mates too. I have to say, I'm sorta a Larry Stylinson shipper, as Alexandra would call it. They were my brothers, basically, but they always had that strong bond. Stronger than any of us, really. I would love to say that Alexandra and I had a bond like that, but frankly, we don't. Yet. I think we will though.

Simon is actually very fond of Fighting Reality. Especially Alexandra. Not like a creepy pervert way though, Simon's more like her dad. He's always spoiling her. Not like she needs it though. I spoil her. Fighting Reality spoils her. One Direction spoils her. I guess it's because she's the only girl in the house. Also, my boys don't really have girlfriends to spoil, so they just spoil Alexandra. She has a Mac Book Air, an Iphone 5gs, just about every dress she's ever liked, even remotely, is in her closet. Alexandra has clothes she doesn't even wear. She has expensive jewelry that she only wears on special occasions. Every album she's ever liked she has. Alexandra always has backstage passes and such to One Direction concerts, she would've bought them anyways though. But what makes me love her even more, is that every time we try to buy her stuff like this, she says no. She says don't buy it for me. But it never works. Ever. She even owns an ATV. But instead of using it, she lets all of us us it. I think it's kinda the fact she's scared, but it's great.

“Hey Jelly Bean, wanna go to the fair?” Alexandra asked me suddenly. We were just sitting on the couch, not really doing anything. But she kept playing with my hair.

“Sure,” I answer.

She then jumps up and runs and shouts, “I bet I can get ready faster than you!”

“No way, Hale!” I yell and run upstairs, trying to catch up. We had two separate bedrooms, but that was just because Alexandra had too much stuff for us to stay in the same bedroom.

I reach my room and I can already hear Alexandra making a mess in her room. Let's see, what to wear. I think I'll just go standard. Maybe just slightly, off. Black jeans, white v-neck, and a maroon blazer. I have to admit, Harry and I have to stop hanging out so much. We're like becoming the same person. We even have the same style! I rush out my bedroom, wanting to beat Alexandra. I take a look around and see Alexandra rushing out her bedroom as well. At least she didn't beat me. But she looks stunning. I would name what she's wearing, but heck, that would take forever.

“Can't come up with your own look, hmm?” says a familiar voice. I turn around and see the one and only Harry Styles. Not like that's abnormal.

“I was the one who this look first,” I argue. I'm actually not sure. But I'll do anything to win a debate with Harry.

“Wanna go?” Alexandra asks from my side. She believes we are the most stubborn people she has ever met.

“Yeah,” I sigh.

“See you two later,” Harry says and disappears into Louis' room.

The carnival isn't far away, just a walking distance. So we take a nice stroll in the nice summer weather. For once, the sun is shining in London. It's night though.

After many games, cotton candy and ice cream, Alexandra and I are on top of the ferris wheel. I check my pocket, making sure it's there. It is. I hope this works.

Suddenly it stops, wow, that went better then planned. I thought I would just give it to her at the bottom. Or maybe the guy did it on purpose?

“Aww. It's stuck!” Alexandra whines.

“That's okay,” I growl in the most seductive way possible. If that's even possible, anyways.

“O-o-okay,” she stutters. I love it when she's nervous, because she like never is. I kiss her and she frantically kisses me back. Perfect. Then it starts to rain. I'll be sure to rub it in Harry's face that I got the passionate kiss in the rain first. I pull away and she whimpers. Alexandra is so cute like that. “You know, your kiss makes me heart beat faster.” I smile at her, and she smiles her crooked grin.

“Lex, I've loved you since I first saw you in freshman year. We've been attached to the hip since sophomore. And I know that we've only been together for a couple months. But one day I will marry you Alexandra Hale. For now, will you accept this promise ring?” I request. So much for the big speech I had in my head.

“Gladly,” she says. We don't kiss, but we were in a tight hug. I feel like we didn't need to kiss at that moment anyways. I slipped the ring on her finger. This was all I wanted. This is all I needed.

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