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It was still unknown for Seulgi why she hadn't took notice of the prestigious restaurant since it was built a couple of years ago. She could only stare at the two-storey restaurant with owe as the glorious light gleam through the glass windows stretching across the wall of the establishment while on the upper floor was not at all hard to see because of its bulletproof glass wall.

Before entering, she scanned her looks, wearing a turtle neck semi-fit tangerine dress with thin black stockings matching her black topcoat and two-inched stiletto heels. Yes, all the clothing laid on her mattress was rejected by her entourage who was her best friend, Wendy, with her boyfriend, Hoseok. Though the former pretty much did all the work.

"Your name, ma'am?" said the counterwoman with a friendly smile.

"Uhm.. Kang Seulgi."

She watched her patiently checking her name to her monitor behind the counter.

"I'm sorry, ma'am. But your name's not included for today's guest's list."

Seulgi thought she heard the woman wrong but shame was slowly holding her tongue back from speaking. She let out a sheepish chuckle before leaning over the counter.

"There must be a mistake," she said calmly. "I mean, this is the place for KEY Corps New Year's Eve celebration, right?"

"Yes ma'am," said the counterwoman attentively. "Rotisserie is reserved for tonight under the name of Kim Taehyung. But if you want, one of our personnel could go to him and inform about your presence."

Did he do this in purpose? She thought, remembering the happening that morning. It's not like she badly wanted to join the damn celebration party, but because she put some effort for tonight only to know that it was pointless was clearly disappointing.

Well, I'm late anyway. Better not to go.

She was about to talk for her leave but the entrance door chimed, indicating a newcomer.

"Good evening, sir," the counterwoman entertained. "Name?"

"Oh Sehun," said the tall man standing beside her. When the woman searched for the name, she took the opportunity to speak.

"Excuse me," she said after clearing her throat. "I'll just take my leave, thank you."

The counterwoman nodded at her before telling, "I'm sorry, ma'am," then looked at the man, "welcome, sir. Our helper shall lead the way. Please enjoy our service."

It must be grand, she thought while admiring the place and hearing the voice of the counterwoman talking to the man. Yet she was half-way towards the door when she heard the man's question:

"Aren't she going too?"

"I'm sorry, sir. But her name is not included on the list."

"Excuse me, ma'am?"

That was when she stopped her tracks and turned around.

"Me?" she said, pointing on herself confusedly.

"Yes," the man said. "Do you have your card with you?"

It took her a moment to figure out what kind of card did he mean but when she did, she immediately brought out her KEY working card out of her clutch bag and gave it. The man looked at it for a few seconds before handing it to the counterwoman.

"She's under the architecture's list. Can you check it out again?"

While he had his conversation with the woman, she was just there, standing beside him and watching. It's not every day she could encounter such a kind man yet there's something on his manner of speaking that caught her attention: his chilling manner of conversing.

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