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Jimin was already waiting when she arrived at the coffee shop he mentioned during the phone call. He was handsomer than the last time she saw him, but the fluffy cheeks Jimin she knew since grade school was the one she loved. Not the new hunk sitting across the table with another news that would either break, or plant a new hope on her heart.

Her heart beat fast when he gave her a slight smile. That made her think there’s still feelings left because no matter what happened, even if the earth turned the other way around, he would always have a place on her heart. They’ve tried a lot of firsts together. The best example was, they’re each other’s first love, and to add up: first times mark the deepest, as what she perceived. But the best contradiction to that belief was just sitting across her, because the man easily replaced her on his heart despite the mutuality between them.

“How are you?” he started smoothly. “I already ordered you something. I hope you don’t mind.”

In front of her there was a small plate of five chocolate éclairs and a cup of café au lait with its delicious aroma lingering on her nostril. How can she even mind if all he ordered was her absolute favorites? Again, the dead feeling buried within her chest was reviving.

“No, I don’t mind at all,” she said while looking at him again, “and I’m fine. It’s nice to see you again.” she added with a small smile.

She already gave up with her insane plan with him since he stood her up on the club that night but having him in front of her again made her hold on that small hope that he would grant her favor. She didn’t want to go with that plan anymore and instead, she was determined to tell him the truth.

I just have to tell him about my condition. I can do anything. He can be recognized as the father of my child, his girlfriend can be the aunt – damn, I don’t want that but if it can’t be help.. It’s okay with me, she discussed on her mind. Following those thoughts, her rationality spoke: Or you can just go to the sperm bank and choose on a pile of profiles of anonymous men who will willingly donate a sperm for you with no string attached. The other voice replied: Can you earn approximately twenty million won in less than two months? Jimin knows your parents and you know his. Basically, you both know your whole lives. Why not give it a try? He’s understanding to begin with. The rational side defended its point again: Bitch please, you know he’s changed. He stood you up, woman!

The war ended with a heavy sigh. Jimin looked at her worriedly. “Are you okay?”

“I am,” she answered and cleared her throat. “Don’t worry about me. Just stressed with my work and stuff..”

She watched him nodding his head understandingly but she didn’t miss the difference on his eyes. Like his monolid eyes were unconsciously warning her that something would be said sooner or later after his reluctancy. She knew it’d be bad and perhaps she didn’t want to accept it that’s why she tried to prolong the meeting and comfortably ate the food served in front of her.

“I’m sorry I didn’t appear that night,” he said then got a shopping bag with its lid stapled together. “And I have something for you.”

Seulgi was not expecting something to get from him. Nevertheless, she accepted it and decided to open it back home without showing any interest of knowing what it was.

“Thank you,” she simply said, putting the bag on the foot of her seat.

When she looked at him again, she caught how his words crawled back in his mouth. The hesitation was drawn all over his face and somehow, her intention to prolong the decision was retreating. She finally knew what she wanted to happen: she want to get it over with in the fastest way possible.

WANTED: Baby | vseulWhere stories live. Discover now