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Wednesday, again. Nothing changed. Meaning, as she walked by, all eyes were glued on her and not in a good way. Some simply just looked at her, but most had their nasty looks judging her every movement.

When she arrived at her office cubicle, she noticed his office with his partition open, probably to keep an eye on her just in case. Though she didn’t bother to tell him about the incident yesterday, she knew that he was aware of the rumors and the malicious stares of the people around them.

“Eonnie,” she turned her swivel chair to where she heard the voice. “Gwaenchanha?”

It took her a few seconds to pull herself back from being absent-minded. “N-neh?” It was YooA who was peeking on her cubicle wall.

“Boss asked to see you,” the younger hushed to avoid any gossip.

It didn’t help though, for most eyes were on her once she stood up from her seat to walk towards his office with evident hesitation.

Taehyung was about to press a button on a device to shut the partition but she immediately asked him not to. He understood what she meant and set the device aside.

“What’s this all about?” she asked, walking across the room and stood in front of his desk.

He noticed her fidgeting her hands and her mouth tightly closed. Anxiety and nervousness were present, bothering her more than anyone else.

“Why so formal?” he asked with humor for attempting to ease the heavy ambiance. “I was just hoping we could have lunch and go to the landsite together later. What do you think?”

“I don’t think.. that’s a good idea,” she said slowly. “It’s still pretty tense outside.”

“I know you told them about us already,” he spilled what he knew, standing properly on his seat from leaning leisurely. “Byunghun hyung called and told me about the incident in the comfort room last night,” her eyes widened, “and they were talking about it even from the lobby this morning.”

Seulgi was covering her mouth as she processed the information. “What should we –” she paused, putting her hands down, “what should I do now?”

He stood up from his seat, ignoring the workers outside glancing at his office. “You don’t have to do anything,” he comforted. “Just stay who you are. You’re my girlfriend.”

“It feels –”

“—don’t tell me it feels wrong,” he cut off softly. “Who are they to control your life? Our life?”

There was silence but their gazes to each other spoke thousands of words. That was all she needed – his comforting words, his voice, and his mere existence. However, she knew it wouldn’t solve the problem.

“Please, can you remove me from the project?” she asked instead. “I think they wouldn’t be this overreacting if I wasn’t your field assistant.”

He had thought about that, not because to satisfy their colleagues, but to lessen her work because of her health condition. It was not bias, for he was just being considerate about her health which he would also do to his other colleague happenstance.

“Fine, I will,” he nodded his head twice. “But I’m upset when I knew about the incident from other people instead from you,” he sighed, putting his hands on his hips. “You don’t have to face them alone. I could talk to them –”

“—do you think they will stop hating me after you talk to them?” she snapped, creasing her brows. “Do you really think it will silence them?” all of her weariness reflected on how she looked away from him, her sight already getting cloudy. “They think I seduced you, like a snake, just to get a decent job. And what’s painful is that I’m starting to believe it’s true!”

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