:Chapter 6: Edited

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:Chapter 6:

        I walked back into my TARDIS dragging Joni’s body with me. I needed to movie it quickly before the Dalek ship was to explode and destroy me along with it. After setting the coordinates, date and time, I lowered the lever, sending me flying into the Time Vortex. Once i was stable on firm ground, I leaned down over the controls, covered my face in my hands, and sobbed uncontrollably. I looked down at Joni’s lifeless face and the pain grew bigger. I kneeled down next to her and brushed her hair of her face, the spark had disappeared from her orange eyes. With the tip of my fingers, I closed her eyelids.

        I sat back to think how I was going to tell her family, the ones she left behind to go on these risky adventures. They were going to hate me…


        Telling her mother was even harder than I thought. She instantly broke down crying when she saw me approach her alone, without Joni by my side. She knew something had happed. After I was finished telling her and trying to comfort her, Joni’s father arrived home from work. I had to go through it all over again, since Joni’s mother was unable to speak. He took a deep breath, tears rising to his eyes, but he was trying to be a man about it. But no man can take the unbearable pain of losing his daughter. He broke down into tears, holding his wife tightly in his arms. And that’s when I felt it was time for me to leave.

        I entered the small shed, in the yard, inwhich my TARDIS had become to disguise itself. I had had enough of it… All these lives ruined, all these lives lost. It was as if everyone around me was constantly in danger of being killed or hurt. I was a menace beyond any Dalek. It was time to stopped endangering everyone. I wiped my tears away once again and took out from my pocket a small fob watch with the symbols of my people engraved on it.

        I ran to the controls and entered Harrow, England, May 4th 2010.

        Moments later, I exited what was now a phone booth. I was on my way to an old friend’s home. I knocked on her door and she answered within a few seconds.

        “Artemis! What a lovely surprise,” Gretchen smiled, seeing me at her door step. But her smile faded when she notice the redness of my eyes and the puffiness of my face. “W-what’s wrong?”

        “I have a favor to ask.”


        “No! No way am I letting you do this, Artemis!” she declined.

        “Gretchen, do this for me, please!” I pleaded her.

        “Absolutely not! You’ve shown me the universe, the future and the past and I know how wonderful it is and how you save it every day. Why would I help you take that away from yourself? I just can’t do it.”

        “But Gretchen, you don’t understand the danger I am as a Time Lady. You have no clue what I constantly go through, 901 entire years of it! I’ve seen the universe, all I want now is peace. Please, do this one thing for me.”

        I looked at her with big begging eyes. Yes, I could completely understand her hesitation towards this, as an old companion, she knew what I was giving up, but I needed this.

        She looked at me for a long moment and finally let out a long sigh of giving in.

        “Fine, Artemis. I will do this one thing for you, but if ever you and I are in some sort of alien danger, I’m opening the watch because I don’t need some human, I need Artemis.”

        “Deal,” I nodded.

        She followed me into the TARDIS where she helped me strap the watch into a very special machine and inserted the watch in the slot for it.


        I woke up, out of breath. The last second of my dream, Gretchen had started the machine and I was in a terrible pain. A pain I could almost still feel it. Yes, Gretchen had been in a few of my dreams in the past. That wasn’t what was bothering me…

        I took the fob watch and analyzed it for a long while. In my dream, I took Artemis, who she is and what she is, and put it into this watch and became human, became Jayden… What if it wasn’t a dream? What if the strange man I meant a week ago was right and this was the most important object in my life right now…? What if I really was Artemis, the last Time Lady?

        I looked out my window and thinking wrinkles appeared on my forehead as I started down at the telephone booth on the corner of the street.

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