:Chapter 11:

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Hey readers! Sorry I couldn't update yesterday, I was really busy. On Friday, I am going up to Montreal again until Monday, twice in two weeks, so no updates until then. I don't know if I should tell you guys, but my grandfather is very sick. He has lung cancer and it's too advance for him to go through treatments. He basically has 2 weeks to 2 months to live...  I figured I'd tell you guys so if ever I kind of disapear from Wattpad for a week or two, well you'll get an idea of where I might be and why. I consider you guys like a big family and I really appreciat all you guys reading my stories and showing your support. I means a lot to me.

Enjoy the chapter and I love you and your faces :)


:Chapter 11:

For a moment, we were silent. I looked out the window to see a normal street but with a police call box from the 60s. We didn’t go in time, that I knew. I looked over the Doctor who was starring at the blue box.

“I should get a window like this in my TARDIS,” he commented, then looked the other way at the window that showed an underwater view. “Put the gun away.”

“Fine,” I nodded and lifted a trap door on the floor revealing a small compartment full of little things I’ve gathered over the years.

“You didn’t have to shoot him,” he said.

“He was going to shoot me,” I defended myself, a little put off by the disapproval in his voice.

“And you would have regenerated. He died at your hand.”

“So did all the others that didn’t make it out of the ship. That’s what they get for attacking a planet that is no threat to them,” I replied harshly. I didn’t like the fact he was coming down on me for this.

“I suppose…” he sighed as he let himself fall onto a green couch. “Very nice TARDIS by the way. Not as old as mine.”

“Thank you,” I nodded and leaned on the control board. My eyes was stuck on him. Now was my chance for answers. “You’re a Time Lord.”

“Yes, I am. And you’re a Time Lady,” he agreed.

“Yes, I am. Tell me, Doctor, how are you alive?” I asked.

“You tell me why you’re alive first, Artemis,” he replied with a little smirk.

I took a deep breath. I didn’t like telling this story and I’ve rarely told it. Joni knew of course. Joni knew a lot about me that I didn’t like to tell others.

“Exile,” I answered. “I was exiled out of Gallifrey before that war. I knew the war was coming and I knew no one would survive. I was one of the rare ones who had seen what the Daleks were capable off and knew there would be no winners. I made my way to the Citadel one day to try and change their minds, to reason with them, but it was no use. Eventually, my short temper took over and told him clearly he was about to kill all of his people. He didn’t take that well. He called the guards on me to have me imprisoned. That  was something I wasn’t going to take so I ran. I’m sneaky, so I made my way out of the Citadel and stole this TARDIS and left. I knew I couldn’t go back, I would be executed at once. So I stayed away in exile. Like I predicted, they didn’t win,” I told my story, imagines of those days flashing in my head.

“I’ve hear of you! Yes, after you ran away, the Citadel informed everyone to find you. You’re the girl who ran away, you’re-“ he started, about to say my name.

“Stop!” I cut him off. I hated the sound of my name. Never did I want it to be said.

“Sorry,” he hurried to apologise.

“Now, tell me your story, Doctor.”

“I burned them all. The war had gotten out of hand, the Time Lords had changed. It was the only way. I ended the war and I ended Gallifrey. It’s nothing but rocks and dust now,” he said bitterly.

I looked at him, shocked by his statement. I could have been mad at him, tell him he destroyed us. Take out the gun and shoot him as many times as I wanted, but I understood why he did what he did. I understood also the grief and pain he must feel just thinking about it… He looked down at his hands, not wanting to have eye contact with me, afraid I was judging him.

Then it came to me, he must be as lonely as I was. We were both the last of your kind. We’ve both been traveling the stars for years, taking in a companion every now and then. But even with someone else in the TARDIS, the life of a Time Lord is so lonely when the people you take with you grow old and you are young forever – depending on your regeneration. And yet here he was. The perfect companion. And he looked so sad.

I sat down the couch next to him and wrapped an arm around his shoulders and placed a hand on his.

“I don’t blame you, Doctor,” I said softly.

He turned his head to me and gave me a weak smile.

“Thank you.”

And then an idea hit me. There was this thing Time Lords could so they didn’t lose each other in time and place. Something very simply. I jumped up excitedly.

“Doctor, I think we should stay together,” I stated. “We are the last Time Lords, we need each other. You leave now in your TARDIS and it might be years before we ever see each other again. I say we attach our TARDIS’ together,” I explained, smiling the whole time.

He looked up at me and smiled too.

”Excellent idea, Artemis! I agree completely that we would do well to stay together,” he nodded. “See that?” he said pointing the blue police box. “That’s my TARDIS. The chameleon circuit is broken so it always looks like that. Do you have it on your radar?”

I pulled the screen to me and looked to see that in fact, I had a small spot indicating a spaceship nearby.

“Yes, right there,” I said. My TARDIS identified it as being another TARDIS and the option came onto the screen. With a big smile, I pressed the button and the TARDIS started shaking wildly making my chimes ring. A few seconds later, a door appeared right next to the exit.

I ran down and opened it to see nothing. Really nothing. All was black, no floor or walls or ceiling. I frowned.

“I have to confirm the attachment in my own TARDIS. Be back in a second!” the Doctor smiled and ran out the door.

Attaching two TARDIS’ is simple. Through this new door, I will be able to access the Doctor’s TARDIS whenever I want and vise versa. No matter where we are in time and space, we walk through and end up where the other is. And our time streams is the same. If the last time I walked through the door to see him was a month, then he also saw me last a month ago. The TARDIS is in another dimension and in that dimension, they are attached, but the exterior isn’t.

I closed the door and opened it a moment later to find the Doctor on the other side, smiling widely.

This was the start of a beautiful friendship.


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