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Once there was this man i knew
He have this kind of wonderful eyes
A smile that can lighten those darkest days
Hands so rough for it works all day
A voice so soothing in my ears
that's the man i love first

Everyday with him is like a first time
When he sunddenly hold my hand
The way it touches my face every time
The way it wraps me inside
It just always feels home

Everyday with him feels like forever
He's the man that will love me forever
He will stay forever
Even when the world leaves
he wont, never
Even though you think you are the worst, never
But when a time comes and you decided to leave
He'll go with you wherever
Because he will always be the man
The man that accepts me from whatever I may be

And in return i will love him everyday
I will take care of him until his hair are all gray
Until his body can't take it anymore
Until the day that he can't take it any longer
I will be the one fighting
I will be the reason for him to fight
Because that man have always been the reason for me to fight
And to get up everytime i fell hard and cry
And that man is my dad.

Spoken Words PoetryTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon