31. Black is goth

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- Nirvana's p.o.v -

  "Alright guys, we usually don't have meetings on Fridays but this is very important. Us staff all agreed on throwing a 'going on tour' party for Nirvana." Brenda says. I look up from where i'm sitting. "It's going to be at Juice tonight at 9:00. The theme is goth. There's going to be a special surprise." She smiles at me. "Yay." I say rather weirdly. "Which is why I'm letting everybody go home early." Brenda says and everybody cheers. Well my boss is always in the best mood when she knows there's drinking involved. "Everybody's dismissed. I'll see you all tonight." I walk to my office and start packing up all my things. I quickly text Marley.
From me: Hey biiiiiiiitch!!!! So guess what?👀🤑🤑
From Marley💛😈👊🏼: What?!!!😮
From me: My boss just let everybody go home early. There's a party she's throwing for me tonight. A going on tour party.🤗The theme is goth. 😈We have to go shopping now hoe. I'll be at the house in like 15 minutes.
From Marley💛😈👊🏼: Yaaaaaas! Alright, let me tell the others.
From me: Okay 😘

I got inside my car as soon as possible. I listen to 'Call me by Blondie'. I get my keys, wallet and phone from my bag and get out of the car. "I'm here bitches!" I yell as I walk through the door. "Okay we have to go real quick peoples! Hot topic and no where else." Marley looks at Ruby and Bryana because every time we go to the mall they end up going to all the stores there, mostly Victoria's secret. The 4 boys run down the stairs along with Bryana next to Ashton. Ruby gets up and takes her bag off the table. "Are we all ready to go?" Calum asks. "Yes!" All of us yell in unison. We walk out the door and towards the cars. Luke and I went with Michael and Marley. It was awkward might I say. The whole ride there was just Luke and Michael talking about food. Marley and I just kept quiet, I mean a few times we would join in on the conversations. Luke and I are on good terms right now, I don't want to ruin it. Once we get there, all of us walk to the mall. We were in a hurry but not only because of the party but because if any fans see us, we'll never leave that place. Marley and I went looking through the stuff together, as I collect some jewelry and other stuff I might need, someone bumps into me. It was Luke. "Hey there beautiful." He smiles with his gorgeous grin. "Hi Luke." I giggle. I was surprised that I responded like that, I would've actually gotten mad at him. "I'm so getting these bad ass red contacts." Marley says. " I should get the white ones." I laugh. We ask the guy working at the register to come open the case for us. After getting everything, we pay for it. I didn't buy a lot just jewelry and the contacts because of the outfit I was thinking to wear tonight, I have stuff at home for it. "We gotta go guys, it's already 6:50." Ruby checks her phone.

"Oh my god i-is that 5 seconds of summer?!" Someone yelled who was walking behind us. Suddenly at least 15 teenagers in the mall began chasing us down the escalator. "Run guys, like there's no tomorrow!" Ashton yells. We make it to the parking lot and get inside the cars. "Damn I'm out of shape. I really got to stop eating pizza." Michael pats his stomach. "Michelle I mean Michael." Luke says making me and Marley laugh. "What Lucy?" Michael responds. "We should paint our nails black, like us boys." He suggests. " Dude yes." Michael backs up from the parking spot and drives off. When we get to the house I say "I'll see you guys later." I say and get inside my car and make my way to the apartment. When I get there, I go to the bathroom and plug my phone onto the blue tooth speaker and play the Depeche mode radio to get in the goth mood. I quickly take a shower and wrap a towel around myself. I get all my undergarments and put them on. I start blow drying and straightening my hair. I begin doing the dark make-up. I put the contacts on and then I start filling in my eyebrows. I looked fucking creepy but slaying the shit out of it. I check my phone and it said 8:00. "Oh shit." I whisper. I quickly change into my outfit.

 I quickly change into my outfit

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