32. Dejavu

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- Luke's P.O.V -

There comes a time in your life where your happy and think that it can't get any better than this. What I mean is I broke Nirvana when I cheated on her. I lost her completely when I chose to be with Aleisha. Since then I've always loved Ana though. I always tried to keep up with her, maybe not seeing her physically succeed but I was always behind the curtain. I do believe that if I hadn't fucked up we would've been married by now. After Nirvana and I confessed our feelings for each other the day of the goth party, we became closer and evident. I wanted to do everything possible to make her happy again. We haven't talked about us becoming anything yet. I've been busy and so has she. The magazine launch was a success. Now she has to start doing the book but she's gonna write it as we go on tour which is not that far away might I say. Our album Sounds good feels good was released yesterday. We're having dinner tonight at the house as a celebration on the new album. I didn't know if I should ask her what we really are now or just wait for another day. I decided not to think about it so much. Its making my head hurt. I hopped out of the shower and got dressed into black skinny jeans, a navy blue long sleeve, and all black converse. I did my usual quiff and went downstairs. Marley, Ashton and Calum were in the kitchen talking. "What time is Ana coming?" I ask. "Someone's a little eager to see Nirvana." Ashton laughs making me chuckle as well. "What happened between you guys the day of the goth party. Both of you are acting like teenagers in love again." Marley speaks. "N-nothing. We just talked and---" Calum cut me off. "Oh come on. We know you guys must've kissed or something because Nirvana came home with hickeys on her neck." He raises an eyebrow. "Yeah tell us. Ana doesn't want to tell me. She always changes the subject when I ask her." Marley laughs. "If she doesn't want to say it then I won't say anything either." I walk around them to get a water bottle from the fridge. "Ugh you guys suck! We're all supposed to be best friends Lucas!" Marley yells as she goes up the stairs to go find Michael I'm guessing. The boys and I begin to laugh. "Same old Luke and Nirvana hiding secrets between themselves just like in high school." Ash says making me chuckle more.

As soon as he finished that sentence Nirvana walked in. I felt more nervous than before. Its crazy how long you know someone that you fell in love with and they can still give you the same nervous feeling they gave you when you first met them. "Hey guys." She greets smiling at us. "Speaking of the devil." Calum says as they hug. "Talking shit now are we." Nirvana replies making us laugh. She hugs Ashton and then me. She gave me a full on hug with her arms around my waist. I noticed that she didn't hug Calum or Ashton how she hugged me. That made me feel happier than I already was. "Where's the rest of the gang?" "They're upstairs probably finishing getting ready." I reply. "So what are we eating tonight?" Ana asks us. "Well we're grilling steak. Bryana already bought the sides all we need is to drink. We were thinking wine since it's a special occasion." Calum said. "Ah okay. If you want I can go buy the wine." She suggests. "Sounds good." Ashton tells her. "Alright, I'll be right back then. Luke you wanna come with me?" That surprised me. "Yeah." I bit my lip staring at her ass- as she walked to the door. I couldn't help it. I am guy after all. "You drive." She tosses her keys at me. I smile and unlock the door for her. Once we get in she plugs her phone to the aux cord and plays Lullaby by The Cure. "Hey there pretty girl." I speak . I look over at her blushing. "Hi pretty boy." She says. "How are you today?" I ask driving to the liquor store. "Pretty good actually. How are you Hemmings?" She asks me. "Same here." I say. We drove to the store and bought the wine. As we drive back to the house Nirvana grabs my hand making my stomach flutter. I sound like a pussy but then again I am pussy whipped. The only thing I ask myself at the moment is what are we? I shook the question out of my head. I don't need to be over thinking things right now.


- Nirvana's p.o.v -

Us girls were preparing everything on the table while Ashton was grilling . Luke, Michael, and Calum were playing video games and cussing at each other. "So miss Harris, are you ever gonna tell us about what happened with you and Luke at the party?" Marley asks. "Nothing we just talked." I lied. "Nirvana we fucking know you already. Tell me hoe I'm dying to know the dirty details." Marley says again. "Yeah come on. You're gonna have to tell us sooner or later." Ruby says. "Luke hasn't even told the boys either." Bryana tells me. I laugh and say "you guys are unbelievable. Fine I'll tell you, but you can't tell the boys. Luke will probably tell them anyways later on." I honestly don't know why I hadn't told the girls yet. I would usually end up telling Marley the second it happened. It's probably because I don't even know what I'm supposed to do. "Luke and I had sex in the cabana rooms." I say. "Oh my fucking bitch I knew it!" Marley yelled. "Shhh." I say. "What? They can't hear anyways they have the headphones on." She makes her point. "But this time it wasn't just hooking up. I was sure of it. I wanted it to happen. I told Luke that I love him." I tell them cutting tomatoes. "And then?" Ruby says for me to continue. "I don't know. It was such a romantic and beautiful moment. I almost forgot about everything. I honestly got lost in him." I say almost tearing up. "I have no idea what we're supposed to be at this point. I can't just trust him that easy. How do I know he's not going to hurt me again?" I say. "Baby girl you have to stop thinking like that. He cheated on you but he's made it more than clear that Aleisha never meant shit to him. Everything that happened between them was never supposed to happen. Luke was never the same without you. Sure he thought so but we all could see it through him." Marley said. "I'm just not sure what I have to do at this point. Should I trust him again? Should I just forget what happened? I-I don't know guys. This is worse than when I broke up with Chris." I grab a bowl and put the tomatoes in there. "What happened that night that was special, that is something you can never forget. Think about it this way, Chris was a test to you as well. Maybe this is a second chance for you. As in its you're destiny to be with Luke again." Bryana finishes. I stood quiet because I did not know what the fuck I was supposed to say to that. I look at the tall blonde boy get up and walk outside to the backyard with Ashton. I sighed. I do love him, no doubt about that. All of this is making me overflow with so many emotions. "You love him and you know it." Ruby tells me. "Come on before Ana gets emotional. Let's go eat, drink, get drunk with our husbands." Marley lightens up the mood. "Excuse me Calum and I aren't married yet. So it's also boyfriend." Ruby laughs making us laugh. "Hey I don't have a boyfriend nor a husband." I say making all of us laugh. "True. Come on." Marley grabs my hand and pulls me outside with everybody else. After everybody serves themselves. We all pour ourselves wine. Well Ruby had to drink water. I was sitting next to Luke. In the air tonight by Phil Collins was playing from the speaker we had outside. "All I have to say is here's to another album. Sounds good feels good bitches!" Michael raises his glass as all of us do the same and laugh. We all clinked our glasses. "Leave it to Michael to give a toast." Ashton says. "Hey asshole. It was a beautiful toast." Michael remarks making us laugh again.

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