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Sam and I just got off of the plane and we're now in Philadelphia heading to our hotel room, Philly  is our next pit stop of the tour.

"This is nice."
I say walking in, sam walks over to the bed and sits down.
"Dude, there's only one bed.....WHY!"
I laugh and so does he, almost every time sam and I get a hotel we have one bed, I swear it's trying to tell us something.
"It's not that bad it could be a twin."
He rolls his eyes and I sit behind him, a weird urge to put my head on his shoulder shows up out of nowhere, why the hell would I do that? My bisexual tendencies are kicking in I guess. "Colby, you alright dude?" Sam asks, I snap out of my trance. "Yeah I'm fine." I say, I really want to know why I feel so weird right now, that has never happened before. "When are we doing that face mask?" He asks, we're planning on filming a video for my channel. "Now if you want." I say, we get up and he starts to set up the camera, I grab the face mask and we start filming.
"Yo wassup up guys, it's Sam and Colby."
He looks at me and messes up my hair, I smile. Why did my heart start beating faster?
" Anyway, before Sam plots something else, tonight we'll be doing the worlds most painful face mask."
We continue filming.

"No you're putting it on me and I'll put it on you." Colby says, I smile and he puts the mask into my hand. "It's cold." I say, he rolls his eyes and I lightly slap his face putting it on him. "AHH MY EYES BRO WATCH THE EYES!" Colby screams I laugh and he smiles at me, I get closer to his face and apply the mask to his forehead.
"You're extremely close Samuel."
"I have to get the mask on somehow."
I finish applying it and lean back.
"Your turn!"
He puts the mask in his hands and starts applying it to my face.
"Come closer I can't see."
I move closer to him, he continues applying it, once he's done he looks at the camera.
"Ok I'm gonna go wash my hands and then we'll wait." He gets up and leaves me with the camera, why did I have butterflies the entire time he was touching me? It was almost the feeling you get when you have a crush on someone...which I obviously don't...I think. What am I talking about? I have a girlfriend.
"Ok, I'm back."
The recording is still going, I look at him, he looks back, we're sitting so close. "Let's try to rip these off I think it's been 15 minutes."
"Are we ripping each other's off?"
"Yeah go ahead."
I go in front of him and try to see where I can start pealing it off, as I'm looking Colby starts to rip mine off. "OUCH THAT HURTS ASSHOLE!"
We laugh and I sit on his lap, he peels all of mine off and I pull his off, I get up and try to go back to my seat, he pulls me, close to my ass, and sits me back down.
"Sorry, I missed a spot." He says, he grabs my face and brings me closer to him.
"Riiiiight here."
I can feel his breath while we're inches away, he kisses me cheek.
"Got it."
My face is so red, I just know it is, and I really hope he doesn't notice. I get off of him and stop the recording, we look at each other.
"So like, what was that?"
He looks down, I could tell he was embarrassed.
"I don't know, let's just sleep it off."
I sigh and get up to put my pajamas on.

I screwed up again, I need to just tell him I have a crush on him, I get under the covers and sam crawls in and lays on the opposite side, I really just wanna rest my head on him and fall asleep.
He rolls over and looks at me.
"Can you lay with me?"
I nod my head and he lays his head on my shoulder, we go to sleep.

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