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I wake up to the feeling of nobody next to me, I look on both sides of the bed and see no one. I quickly jump out of bed and throw on one of Colby's sweatshirts, I go downstairs and also see nobody, I start to get scared, I call colby.

S-where are you guys?
C-Uh...I'm in the bathroom
S-oh...ok I didn't see anyone I got scared
C- *giggles* ok I'll be right out.

I end the call, I'm so dumb. All of a sudden I feel arms wrap around me, I look back and see colby bright blue eyes stare into mine. "Wanna go somewhere today?" He asks, was this a set up? Is he gonna ask me to be his boyfriend? "Sure where?" I ask, he smirks, oh no. "Go get dressed I'll be in the car." He says, he lets me go and I run upstairs to get dressed. Once I'm done I run back downstairs and get into Colby's car. "So where we goin?" I ask, he giggles. "Don't worry you'll like it." He says, I smile and roll my eyes. "Is it a date?" I ask, I wasn't giving up. "I don't know." He says. "So it is?" I ask, he smiles. "Just stop asking questions you'll like it." He says, I sit quietly as colby drives.
"Here." Colby says, we get out of the car and he puts his arm around me. I open my eyes and see a beach with no people but the two of us, a cabana and a little set up for brunch, he knows me so well. "I love it." I say, turning around to kiss him. "I love you." He says. "I love you too." I say, he kisses my cheek. "Lets go in the water." Colby says, I take off my shirt and look down. "I don't have a swimsuit." I say, colby goes into his bag and pulls one out. "Here, I brought one for you, I'm not dumb." He says, I go into the cabana and change, when I come out I see colby laying on a towel in the sand, I run over and lay on top of him, he groans. "I'm ready." I say, he lifts me off of him and we run into the ocean holding hands, just like one of those cheesy romance movies, but I loved it.

I took sam to our own personal little beach today because I just wanted to spend time with him away from all of the roommates, I don't want to ask him out yet because it's too early, I just wanted to have some time with him. "I'm getting hungry we should go eat." Sam says. "Ok." I say, he grabs my hand and we walk to shore, he stops us. "Thanks for doing this, you didn't have to." He says, I smile. "I wanted to, I wanted time with you away from everyone, your just too cute." I say, he giggles and hold my other hand. "You're adorable." He says, wrapping his hands around the back of my neck. I hold his waist as he stands on his tippy toes to kiss me, as we're kissing I flick Sam's lip asking for entrance, he teases and unhooks us, I grab his ass and he lets me in, my tongue explores his mouth as his does the same to mine, we unhook. "Let's go eat food instead of each other's faces." I say laughing, he laughs and takes my hand, we go over to the table and sit down. "So like, what do you want to eat." I ask, I'm not that fancy. "Wanna go to chick fil a?" He asks, I nod my head and we get our stuff. "That was fun." He says, I smile. "I'm glad I can make you happy." I say, i really wanted to ask him now, should I? I'm going to. "Hey, can I ask you something?" I say, my heart beats faster every second. "Yeah." He says with a huge grin. I put my hands around his waist again and pull him closer, he looks up at me. "What is it?" He asks, I smile. "Will you be my boyfriend?" I ask, he kisses me, it was messy but it's ok, we don't unhook for a while, just letting the love become stronger, we finally take a breather. "Yes." He says, I giggle and take his hand, we then go to Chick-fil-A, but I could stay at that beach with sam all day.

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