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I wake up and see Colby next to me, I sit up and look at his shoulder, I knew I had slept there because I saw that his sleeve was wrinkled. Colby and I were going to an abandoned building near the hotel soon so I woke him up.
"Get up."
He rolls over and yawns in my face.
"Stop yawning and get up let's go exploring,"
He gets up and throws on a sweatshirt, I do the same and we go to the building. When we get there we start walking around and seeing what we can use for content. As we walk I feel him try and grab my hand, I brush it off as an accident and we continue walking. After about five minutes I feel it again. "Colby,"
He looks at me.
I don't know what I want to say, I froze. Colby puts his arm on my shoulder,
"You ok sam?"
I wasn't ok.

It's true, I tried to hold Sam's hand, I just really want him to know that I like him without me telling him.
"You ok sam?"
He looks at the ground as tears fill his eyes, I grab his hand and sit him down.
"You ok?"
I wasn't.
"Yeah, I'm fine,"
I wish he would just tell me what's wrong, but then he probably wishes that I would tell him what's wrong with me. I attempt to intertwine our fingers but he pulls away, I feel a tear start to run down my cheek, I wipe it away but another one comes.
"You did it again."
I look away, not wanting him to see me cry.
I cry loud enough for him to hear me.
"Why are you crying?"
I look down at the floor as tears hit the concrete.
"Are you scared?"
I just cry.
"I'm not scared I'm just...I like you, ok? That's why I tried to hold your hand."
Sam looks at me, astonished by my words.
"You're gay?"
He looks me in the eyes, our faces are inches apart and all I want to do is close the space between us. "Colby."
I look down, then back up into his blue eyes.
"Never mind,"
He comes closer to me, and now he has me wondering what the hell he was gonna say.

As I sit on the floor with Colby basically on my lap, all I can think about is his soft lips smashed against mine, the little space in between us gets smaller and smaller every second, I'm afraid to kiss him, even though he just told me he likes me, I don't know for sure if I feel the same, regardless of all these feelings. Colby cries harder, I decide to just let us leave. I've never seen him like this, and I've known him for literal years.
"Colby let's go back, come on,"
He gets up and we go back to the hotel.


After we get to the hotel I sit Colby down on the bed and kneel at his eye level.
"Why are you so upset?"
He wipes his tears and looks at me.
"Come here."
I sit next to him and he hugs me, nuzzling his head into my shoulder. "Is this making you feel better?"
He hugs me tighter, squeezing me.
Colby mumbles into my shoulder.
He looks up at me and looks into my eyes.
"I love you."
I smile, and we stare at each other and laugh.
"I love you too,"
We come closer to each other's lips, I feel his breath and I look away, why did I do that? I want to kiss him, my lips tingle with anticipation.
"Sorry, I forgot you didn't feel the same."
I want to tell him how I feel, but my body won't let me.
"It's ok,"
I hug him and hide my face in his shoulder.
"Sam, what's the problem?"
I wanna tell him, but I can't.
"I'm fine, let's just watch tv or something."
Colby, gets his laptop and pulls me close and we open the laptop and watch Netflix.

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