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I lay inside my room on jakes chest, I didn't mean to piss off sam so bad, I feel like a horrible person, and after last night I don't know who I love, I'm stuck inside of a love triangle. Jake plays with my hair as I snuggle closer to him, it's like 5 in the morning and both of us can't sleep, I'm worried about Sam and I'm worried about hurting jake, I love both of them to pieces and it hurts me so bad to see sam this way. "I'm gonna go talk to sam," I say, getting up, jake pulls me back. "Do you want me to come with you?" He asks, I shake my head and go into Sam's room. When I walk in I see him curled up in his blankets crying. "Hey Sam, can we talk?" I ask in a low voice, he turns around and points his finger to the bed, and I sit down as he sits up. "Sam...I'm sorry, I do love you, I do, I don't know what got into me recently when you were standing in the doorway and Jake was holding me it was because we were hugging, Aaron did it to me too," I say, he rolls his eyes. "Explain why I heard you and Jake fucking in your room then Colby!" He yells I hold his hands but he pulls them away from me, and my tears come back. "We were watching porn." I lie, sam crosses his arms. "No you fucking weren't Colby I heard you guys, you moaned his name, I heard you say jake take them off. Explain that asshole." He says it hurts me so bad to hear my best friend call an asshole on purpose. "I'm sorry," I say, he shakes his head in disappointment. "Fuck You." He says that got me to snap. "SAM! I'M FUCKING SORRY OKAY? I DO KNOW WHAT TO DO. YEAH, I HAD SEX WITH JAKE OK, IT IS NOT MY FAULT THAT I'M STUCK IN A LOVE TRIANGLE WITH TWO PEOPLE THAT ARE SO SO SO CLOSE TO ME. IT HURTS ME SO BAD TO SEE MY BABY BOY LIKE THIS, BUT I ALSO DON'T WANT TO HURT JAKEY EITHER!" I scream Sam's eyes widen as I speak, and he cries extremely hard, I hug him even though he doesn't want it, I know he does. He pushes me away again and looks up at me. "What if I just kill myself, would that make you fucking happy?" He asks, I hug him tightly and kiss his head. "No, that wouldn't help anyone, that would kill me, you're my other half, I can't lose you, never say that shit again," I say, rubbing the back of his head, but he still refuses to hug back. "You cheated on me Colby, I believe you but I still never want to talk to you again, so please, get off of me, and leave." He says, I stop hugging him and start to cry, he rolls his eyes. "Leave." He says, I get up and slam the door behind me, jake comes up to me and hugs me tightly, he kisses my cheek and rubs my back. "He doesn't want to hear my voice again, and he said fuck you to me," I say, I nuzzle my head into jakes shoulder and cry harder. "It's ok Colby." He says, I knew it wasn't ok, but I love him, I look back up and release our hug, he wraps his hands around my waist and mine go around his back, we kiss, and he wipes away the tears that surround my eyes, he then caresses my cheek. "Let's go to bed cuddly, it's late and you need to cool off." He says, he takes my hand and we go into his room, he hops in his bed and saves room for me, and I just cry. "What's wrong?" He asks, I sit on the floor and cry. "I miss my Sammy, the one who used to have to stand on his tippy toes to kiss me, the one who I could grab like a teddy bear when I'm upset, the one who used to laugh instead of yell, I miss my boyfriend, I'm sorry Jake, your awesome, but I miss sam." I cry, he puts his hand out for me to climb in with him, I take it. "Colby he'll calm down and want you back eventually, but for now just stay your separate ways and let him have some time alone." He says, I nod my head, leans turns over, and kiss me, we then fall asleep, still missing my favorite cuddle buddy.

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