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I lay awake while sam sleeps curled up into my shoulder, it's like 5AM I don't know why I'm up, I didn't have a nightmare, I wasn't worried about anything, I'm just......awake. I look at the sleeping boy on my shoulder and contemplate if I want to move him onto my chest. I move my arm around his head and pull him onto me, he groans. "What are you doing?" He asks half asleep. "I got lonely, I wanted you to cuddle with me." I say, he whines and goes back to sleep, I wrap my arm around him and kiss his head. "Hey, I felt that." Sam says, I giggle and go to sleep.


I wake up wrapped in Colby's arms, I'm not gonna lie, I like it. I feel his fingers slide through my hair as I cuddle closer, I feel his lips touch my head. "Morning Sam." Colby says. "Morning." I say. "We should start getting ready to go home, our flight is in an hour." I say, colby moves his arms and I sit up. "Ok." He says, I shiver. "You cold?" He asks, I nod and he throws me a sweatshirt. "Is this yours?" I ask, he laughs. "You sneak." I say, I put on the sweatshirt and start packing up my stuff. "Ok lets go." Colby says, I grab my stuff and we were off.


As we are about to board our flight sam freaks out. "Where's my neck pillow?" He asks, we check everywhere, "somebody probably stole it, Come on let's just go." I say, I grab his hand and we get on the plane. Once we get to our seats sam sits down, he looks like he's about to cry. "Sam what's wrong?" I ask, I see a tear run down his cheek. "I'm tired and stressed out and I lost my neck pillow." He says, I wanted to kiss him, but I don't. "It's ok, just sleep on me I don't care." I say, he looks away from me, I decide to make a move. "C'mere silly." I say, I wrap my arm around him and pull him closer to me. "Lay down." I say, he looks at me and lays his head on my shoulder.


I wake up to Colby's cold hand against my neck. "Sam we're home come on." He says, I get up and we go inside the house, I must have slept through the car ride home too. "Heyyy Solby's home!" Corey yells, he gives us a hug and I run up to my room, I start unpacking. "Hey, can we talk?" Colby asks, I sit on the bed and he sits next to me. "Yeah." I say, he looks at me. "You seem really upset about something, are you ok?" He asks, dammit! I thought he was gonna say he likes me. "I'm g-fine, I'm fine." I say, I can feel the redness on my face, I almost said I'm gay, why didn't I? "Ok, if you need to talk to me I'm always here for you." He says pulling me into a hug. "I know." I say, I wish my body would let me tell him the truth, I mean he told me. We look up into each other's eyes and I feel him coming closer to me, I move closer too, I grab the back of his neck wanting him to kiss me, his hands hold my waist, I can feel his breath, but I move away, I start to cry. "I'm sorry colby I can't." I say through my tears, he rubs my back. "How are you not mad at me?" I ask. "Because I understand sam." He says, I hug him tightly and hope we get close again, but we don't, I ruined another chance to kiss him.

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