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I can't believe him. I get to witness cheating in action, Colby didn't even bother to come to talk to me last night, I fucking hate him. As I think that my door is knocked on. "If it's Colby go away," I say, I look out from the corner and see him leaning up against the door, tears drying up around his eyes. "Sam, I'm sorry, I know when people cheat they say it wasn't what it looked like, but it wasn't what it looked like." He says, I look back down, and I hear him moving closer. "Sam please talk to me." He says, I look away from him, and he grabs my face and kisses my cheek, and I push him away. "Don't touch me, you cheater," I say, Colby looks me deeply in the eyes and starts to cry. "Just leave," I say, he doesn't move. "Just go away!" I yell, he gets up and goes for the door, I didn't want him to go, but he had already left. My loud sobs echo throughout my room, my tears hit the ground as I sit in a ball, drenched in my sadness. I hear my door open again, it was jake, I backed away from him. "Sam, can I talk to you?" He asks, I give him a dirty look. "You wanna talk to me after you held my boyfriend in your arms right in front of me!" I yell, and he kneels in front of me. "It didn't go how you think it went sam." He says. "FUCK YOU!" I scream I see jakes eyes start to water, and a tear falls down his cheek. "I-I'm sorry sam, you probably hate me forever now." He says, he wipes his eyes, but more tears come out, I look down, and Jake gets up and starts to walk away, and I grab his arm. "Can you bring Colby in here? And, I'm sorry for yelling at you." I say, jake smiles and runs out of the room.

As I'm crying to myself in my room jake comes in and sits on the bed. "Sam wants you." He says, I get up but he pulls me back, I sit back down, and of course, I end up on his lap. He lets his hands travel up my shirt, giving me chills, he gets up and holds my hands. My hands slip around his back as his go around my waist, he pulls me closer, and our faces end up inches apart, he closes the space between us, and we kiss, my tongue travels around his lips asking for access, and he grants it to me, my tongue explores his mouth as his tongue explores mine, jake grabs my ass and I gasp, he pushes us onto the bed and he takes off my shirt, I take off his, he looks down at me asking for permission, I nod my head, his pants slip off as he plays with the rim of mine. "Jake please, take them off!" I yell, and he giggles and proceeds to tease me, I grab his dick and he pops a boner, he takes them off, then starts to kiss my neck, I moan softly. "Come on I know you moan louder than that," Jake says, I moan loudly as he goes far inside of me, he goes faster and faster, and my moans get louder every second, and the bed frame shakes as we go on. "I have to cum." I say. "Me too," Jake says, and we do, he cleans up my mess and I lick his tip, I swallow. "You taste so good." He says, it then hit me, I just fucked Jake! "I'll be right back," I say, we kiss again and I get on clothes, I then open my door to see sam standing there, sobbing. "I FUCKING HATE YOU! WHY COLBY? YOU DID CHEAT! YOU LIED TO ME, NEVER EVER TALK TO ME AGAIN!" He says, slamming his door so hard that a piece of wood flew off of it, jake comes behind me and kisses my cheek, I stare at Sam's door as I wrap my hand arm around Jake's arms, and tears start to drip down my cheeks. "He'll come around Colbs, don't worry baby." He says, kissing me again.

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