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It's the next day and I'm in the process of filming a video with Kat, her friend, Colby, jake, and Aaron, it was kind of awkward seeing Kat after all of mine and Colby's close encounters. The video that we were filming was a dirty whose most likely to, it was jake and Aaron's turn to ask us one. "Who is more likely to be the better kisser?" Jake asks, colby looks at me and smirks his stupid little smirk, I smile. "I don't know, there's only one way to find out." He says, I laugh and look away, here comes another chance, of course Kat has to be here.

As sam looks away from me laughing I get nervous. I really want to find out who the better kisser is, every time I try to kiss him he moves away, he looks back up at me and moves closer. "So,who is it?" Kat asks, sam and I look into each other's eyes, I hold his waist and bring him closer, I feel his hands touch the back of my neck, my lips tingle with anticipation, we finally kiss, Kat gasps, we unhook after like 20 seconds. "I think colby is the better kisser." Sam says, I smile so genuinely that it hurts me.

After colby and I kissed I felt relief, I finally let him kiss me, and I liked it. "Sam end the video we need to talk." Kat says, oh no, I forgot she was here. I end the video and she drags me out of the room. "What the hell Sam!" She whisper yells, I look at her, I'm about to cry. "What?" I say, Kat crosses her arms and rolls her eyes. "Uh, you just kissed colby right in front of me!" She says, I smile thinking about our kiss, but I stop myself and look at her. "Kat I'm sorry." I say, she slaps her leg and starts to cry. "Sam, you could've just told me you're gay." She says, then walks out of the house and her friend walks out after her, I cry.

As I hear the door slam shut I assume that Kat yelled at Sam for kissing me so I grab my vape pen and walk behind him, I blow smoke rings above his head, he turns around and looks at me, I smoke more and he smiles. Our lips magically slide together again and I blow smoke into his mouth, we let the extra smoke go up into the air forming more smoke rings, I grab his ass and he gasps. My hands slide up his shirt, he moves closer and I sit him on the table, not letting our lips come apart once, we unhook. "Let's take this upstairs." Sam says. I smoke some more vape and grab his face to kiss him again, it was messy but we didn't care, the smoke blows up into the air as there is nothing but love in between our lips, Sam wraps his arms around my shoulders and his legs around my waist, I hold him, this was officially the best video I have ever filmed.

As colby and I kiss I can say now that I love him. "It's like we were always together." He says, I smile. "As you can assume, I'm gay." I say, it felt so good to say that, his lips kiss me again as his finger mess with my hair, he flicks my bottom lip asking for entrance, I let him explore my mouth, I hear footsteps approach us, we unhook. "Come back here you vapor boy." I say, jake walk backwards out of the room as he laughs at the sight of mine and Colby's love. I didn't know that I liked colby that much, but I guess one kiss and some smoke rings can make me fall for him.

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