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I sit awake in a corner with tears constantly hitting the carpet in Brennen's basement, I'm locked down here until I give up Sam so Brennen can be with me, I would never do that.  As tears flood my eyes I hear the basement door swing open as he walks down the steep stairs.
"Here's breakfast."
He sits down in the chair that he had put next to where I am handcuffed to the ground, he unlocks them and lets me eat.
"You know, I don't want to kill you, Colby, I could never do that, I just want you."
He says touching my cheek with his cold hand, I slap it away.
"Hey! Don't do that."
He says, slapping me across the face, I cry more, and my phone goes off.
"Aw, how sweet! It's you, dad." He says, declining the call, I cry so hard to the point I can't breathe.
"I've never seen you cry so much, it's kind of turning me on."
I look up at him, I attempt to kick him but he catches my leg.
"Do you want a punishment?"
He asks, I shake my head and continue to cry.
"Why can't you just take no for an answer Brennen? You have to hold me, hostage, until I break up with Sam?"
I say, my voice cracking after every word, and he just laughs, what an asshole.
"You're a fucking asshole,"
I say, he stops laughing and looks me in the eyes.
"What the fuck did you say?"
He asks, I roll my eyes and look away.
"Get up."
He says, I get up. He comes closer to me and slides his hands up my shirt, and chills run down my body. The feel of his cold hands running down my chest makes me want to throw up, once he gets to my arms he forcefully makes me lift them so he can take off my shirt. I cry as he wraps his arms around my waist and pushes me against the wall, wincing in slight pain from the push I see his face getting closer to me. I try my best to push him away, but after many failed attempts he kisses me. Salty tears continue to run down my face as he moves his lips to make me kiss him back, I stand my ground and ignore it as much as possible. I feel his tongue lick my lips in an attempt to go inside my mouth, I shut my eyes and keep my mouth shut.
"Let me in."
He says I keep it shut, he pulls my mouth open with his fingers and lets his tongue inside my mouth. He pulls our lips apart and makes his way down to my pants, and my crying turns into tears of terror.
I scream, but he doesn't listen, his cold, lifeless hands touch me in places that shouldn't be touched by him. I feel his other hand unzipping my jeans and soon they are getting pulled down to my ankles and I'm left with boxers. I sob loudly hoping someone can hear me, but knowing damn well nobody can.
"You shouldn't have said that then."
He says in a flirty tone, I look away from him, and his hand comes closer to the waistband of my underwear, I pray he's only teasing it and he not taking them off, but as those thoughts come through he's pulling off my boxers as I look back at what's happening to me.
"Brennen please don't."
I cry, he slides me down the wall with force and tugs on my hair, bringing me closer to his already hard penis.
I scream at the top of my lungs, and as I cry he shoves my face into his penis, making me take him like some sort of sex slave. At this very moment, I feel nothing, my cries go from high screams of pleading to silence, I hope he didn't hurt Sam, I don't care about myself anymore, I'm already hurt. He shoves my head against his abdomen, making me choke against his length, he moans loudly and pushes my face off of him. He jerks himself off the rest of the way and shoots his load right onto me. He looks me dead in the eyes and smirks, what a fucking sicko.
"Clean it up."
He insists, I disobey his order and just sit there as tears silently fall from my eyes.
I shakily get down and lick up the mess he made on me, I look up at him with a mouth full.
"Swallow it."
He orders, pushing me by the head back over to the corner, I painfully swallow and sit back down.
"Don't EVER talk to me like that again."
He flips me off and walks up the stairs. I can't see straight, I can't talk, I can't scream for help, I can't move. All I can do is sit here and cry silently, wondering what I did to deserve this torture.

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