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I wake up to the feeling of dried up tears attached to my face, sam looks down at me and smiles. "Good morning babe." He says, I get up. "Morning Sam." I say checking my phone, I had a text from an unknown number. "I just got a text from a random number." I say, sam looks at me with a scared face. "What does it say?" He asks, I read it out loud to him.

Colby Brock, what you did wasn't cool, so you're getting something in return, something you'll think about forever.

Sam looks at me and starts to cry. "What does that mean?" He asks, I shrug and sam hugs me tightly. "What should I say back?" I ask, sam looks up and puts his face onto mine, he shrugs, and I decide on a response.

Nothing you do will hurt me.

I look at sam, he looks so cute curled up in my shoulder, I smile and hug him, Brennen texts back.

Come at me big boy, I've already got something planned for your sorry ass.

Sam starts to cry again, I rub his back.

I beat you once...I can beat you again, but whatever you do, don't hurt my friends.

Trust me I won't...I only came to hurt you.

Sam balls his eyes out as I put my phone down and hug him tighter than I have in my entire life, he looks up at me. "What's gonna happen to you? Is he gonna kill you? Colby please tell me that you'll be ok I can't lose you, you're everything I have." He says, tears swell up in my eyes, I feel one run down my cheek. "I'll be fine sam, I'll always be right here with you." I say, sam nuzzles his head into my shoulder, I don't know what this guy has up his sleeves, but he better not lay a hand a my boyfriend.

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