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(WARNING: this chapter includes sexual harassment and violence.)

I got no sleep last night, I cried for hours upon hours, I sit in the corner of Brennan's bedroom, I'm scared and alone, he's punched me twice already, and he tied my hands and feet so I can't move to punch back, I hear his heavy footsteps coming towards me, I cry harder. "Can you just shut up, I did this because you took Colby from me."
He says, my face starts to hurt from all of the cryings.
"I didn't do an-anything."
I say through my tears, he punches me, and my nose bleeds.
I say quietly, he kicks my ass and sits in front of me, he wraps his hands around my neck, choking me, I try to break free but it was no use, after about 30 seconds he lets go, I breathe heavily and cough.
"Don't talk back, you're getting punished."
He says, my eyes widen, and I move into the corner again.
"Please no."
I say, he comes closer to me and caresses my thighs, and I cry.
I scream, he puts his hand over my mouth, and I wince in fear.
"That's it."
He says, he grabs my face and slaps me as hard as he can, making my nose bleed even more. I kick my legs back and forth, still crying, he bites my neck and lets his cold hands travel up my shirt, attempting to take it off, I cry.
I scream. He grabs my dick through my pants, making me scream in pain and cry so hard that I can't breathe, he pulls off my pants and boxers.
I say. His fingers dig into my shoulders as he pushes me up against the wall, he touches me in ways that nobody ever has. I scream in pain when I feel his fingernails scratching my penis, he digs his nails into the skin until he reaches my belly, at this moment I went numb, my tears still running out of my eyes onto the bedroom floor, and blood streaming from my nose. I've lost all feeling emotionally, I look down to see blood leaking out of the tiny cuts left from his nails, and I gasp as I cum on the floor. I look away as it happens being vulnerable like this makes me feel so small. He licks the tip of my penis, I try not to barf as he cleans me up with his tongue. When he's finished he grabs my face, scratching me.
"Little slut."
He says, he lets go of me and I fall back, hitting my back against the wall, I close my eyes tightly. He comes over to me and looks at me.
"Don't even try to escape, it'll happen again."
He says, I cry and cry as he just laughs.
"Awww is Colby's innocent baby boy scared?........good, you should be."
He says, he punches me in the face, and walks back out, blood drips down my face as I cry my eyes out, hoping that someone comes here soon.

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