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I wake up to the sound of my phone going off, sam is crying so it must be bad, I sit up and hug him tightly. "It's ok baby, he won't do anything to us." I say, I kiss him and check my phone, sam latches onto me as I read the messages from this damn guy.

Yo I know where you are, I can't lose you that easily.

I see you, Colby

So we're playing the silence game? It's not that easy to stop me colby, just wait.

Whatever your not gonna do anything

After I send that message I finally hear sam crying into my ear, I hate to see him so scared, he's too fragile and innocent to be in the middle of this. "Sam, we're ok, I won't let this guy do anything to us, I beat him once I can beat him again." I say, he squeezes me tighter and rests his head on my shoulder. "When can we go home?" He asks, at this point I don't think we are going home, but I can't tell sam that. "I don't know, not anytime soon." I say, he lifts his head and touches my cheek with his soft lips. "Colby, look out that window." Sam says, I look out the window, the same guy from yesterday was outside of the house, sam starts to cry again. "Babe it's ok nothing will happen he probably is just gonna threaten me and leave." I say, I play with his hair as he hugs me. "I'll be back ok Sam, stay right here." I say, I run downstairs and I see Brennen Taylor sitting on the couch waiting for me. "Hey Colby." He says, I roll my eyes. "What do you want from me Brennen." I ask, he raises one eyebrow and looks at me. "You sent me to the hospital, I want revenge." He says. "Is that all, cause go ahead." I say, he rolls his eyes. "No that's not all, sam took me away from you, I have nobody now." He says, I shrug. "Look I wanted to say I'm sorry for the shit I did to you, I was angry, offended, and hurt, will you go to chipotle with me?" He asks, he sounded sincere so I take his offer. "Sure, and I'm sorry too, let me go get my shoes on." I say, I run back upstairs and get in my shoes. "Where are you going?" Sam asks. "The guy that's been texting me is Brennen, he wants to go out, he said he's sorry and he would like to treat me to lunch, wanna go?" I ask, sam nods his head, run back downstairs to ask Brennen. "Sam wants to know if he can go too." I say. "Nah, I want it to be a me and you thing, your the one I've been horrible to, I need to treat you, your my best friend." He says, I run back upstairs and tell sam, then we were off.

It's been about 3 hours and Colby isn't back yet, I'm starting to get worried that they didn't go to chipotle, but I stop doubting myself and just call him. The phone rings and rings until I finally get an answer.

C- no give me the phone.

The phone hangs up, I start to cry.

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