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I wake up and look down to see sam on my chest, he looks up at me. " Morning boyfriend." He says, I smile and play with his hair. "Morning boyfriend." I say, he giggles and turns around to face me. "I'm freezing." He says, I get up and grab him a sweatshirt, he puts it one and gets up. "I love you." He says, I slide my hands around his waist and smile. "I love you too." I say, his hands tie together around my neck as he pulls me closer, I kiss him, we stand there for a little until I unhook us and push us onto the bed, we lay there as Sam lays his head on my shoulder. "Colby." He says, I feel his hand gently scratch my arm. "Yeah." I say, he moves closer to me and plays with the rim of my pants. "I want you." He says, he slides his hand all the way down, I moan, I pop a boner. "I want you too." I say, I climb on top of him and kiss him.

As colby climbs on top of me I start to get scared, I want him, but I'm scared. He kisses me, flicking my bottom lip, I grant him access, his tongue explores my mouth. I grab his face to kiss him rougher, my teeth gently bite his lip as he moans, he grinds on me, I moan quietly, not wanting the roommates to hear. "Sam just moan." Colby says, I moan loudly as he stops and crawls off of me. "Don't leave me!" I say, he looks at me with a smirk, I roll my eyes, he tries to get up but I catch him with my legs. "How bad do you want me?" He asks, I moan loudly and pull him back on top of me, he plays with the rim of my pants. "Colby please I want you SO bad!" I say, he giggles and takes off my pants, I take off his. "Turn around." He says, I turn around.

"Colby I have to cum." Sam says. "I want to do it together." I say, I go faster as sam moans. "Go." I say, I pull out and clean up his mess. "You're so sweet." I say, I swallow and kiss him, his hands slide up my shirt, the door opens. "Uh....ok.......um.......sorry for interrupting.....but breakfast is done." Jake says, we hop off of each other and go downstairs, sam looks at me before we go. "I love you cole bear, it's always nice to have a little fun." He says, winking at me, I kiss him as he stands on his tippy toes. "I love you too baby boy, let's go, well have more fun later." I say, he takes my hand and we go downstairs.

Once we get downstairs and sit down in the kitchen all of the roommates look at colby and I. "What." Colby says, he looks at me and places his head on my head. "You've never heard of two guys fucking before?" He says, I roll my eyes and smile as he sits down, the roommates laugh. "No, you guys are just really loud." Corey says, colby grabs a hold of my hand. "It's called having a little fun, you should try sometime." He says, I laugh, I love this weirdo so much.

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