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I cry in my room alone at 4 in the morning, my eyes fill with more tears every time I stop crying, it's like a never-ending waterfall, each day sam isn't here my eyes drown themselves in tears, I just wish Brennen would leave us alone, my door is knocked on. "Is it sam?" I ask, the door opens and Aaron walks in. "You hanging in there?" He asks, I try and wipe away my tears, but they come back. "No," I say, Aaron comes closer and hugs me, and I cry into his shoulder. "We'll get him back Colby, Brennen can't keep him that long, and trust me, we called the cops like 15 minutes ago." He says, I hug him tighter. "Really?" I ask, and he giggles. "Yes, he'll be ok Colbs," Aaron says, we sit and hug for a while, it was nice to have affection after 5 days of not having the same, but it's not the same as Sam's little arms wrapped around my back. "Are you gonna be ok for the rest of the day?" He asks, I look up then at the empty spot in my bed, I start to cry again, and I shake my head. Jake comes into my room as well, he sees me crying and hugs me tightly. "Bro sam will be ok, and don't worry about Brennen he's done for good," Jake says, He hugs me so tight that I lift off of my feet. "Is he going to jail?" I ask, wrapping my feet around his waist, he smiles. "Yeah, no more Brennen!" He yells, I hug him tighter as he holds me. "I guess this is what they call bromance?" He says, I look at him and laugh. "Yeah, cuz bitch I got a boyfriend," I say, jake puts me down and sam walks in, he looks at me. "Just don't talk to me." He says, I start to cry again, Aaron leaves and Jake stays. "Want me to talk to him?" He asks, rubbing my back, tears continuously falling to the ground. "He won't talk to anyone but me, so just leave him be for a little, but can you stay with me until then?" I ask, jake smiles and hugs me again, I hug him tighter every minute.

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