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"SAM THERES A CAR!" Colby screams, but the car hits the other one and the windshield comes crashing in, colby starts to cry and I sit in shock. "Are you ok colby." I ask, he looks up at me, we hear police sirens, I start to cry, a police officer walks up to the car. "Is everyone ok in here?" The man asks, we nod our heads and he leads us out of the car, I look behind our car, that guy's car was gone. "Colby where are we gonna go?" I ask, he wraps his arm around my waist and rests his head on mine. "I don't know, we really can't go anywhere now." He says, I take his phone out of his back pocket. "Call your dad, or gauge, have one of them pick us up." I say, he calls his dad.

"Hey dad, can you come pick up Sam and I were on the street, close to the Walmart." I say. "Yeah you guys ok?" He asks, I take a deep breath. "Yeah, were fine." I say. "Ok I'll be there in about 5." He says. "Ok." I say. "Love you." He says, I roll my eyes. "Love you too." I say, I hang up the phone and sit down on the curb, sam sits next to me. "Are you gonna tell him what happened?" He asks, I pull him close to me. "I don't know, he might keep me home for the rest of my life." I say, sam looks at me, he looks like he's in pain. "Sam you ok?" I ask, I see tears start to run down his cheeks, and he shakes his head. "What hurts?" I ask, he points to his foot, I hug him tightly and lay my head on his shoulder. "You'll be ok, I'll ask my dad to drive us to the doctors." I say, he cries harder as my dad pulls up to us, I make a waving motion for him to get out of the car. "Sam's foot is hurt, I'm fine though." I say, I pick sam up and put him in the car, I then get in and my dad starts to drive to the hospital. "What happened?" My dad asks, sam looks at me as tears run down his face. "There was a guy following us so we decided to speed up to get away from him and sam didn't see the car until we hit it." I say, my dad puts his arm behind him and rest his hand on my leg. "Your mother won't be happy but I won't tell her, if she questions us when we walk in the house just say ya fell down some stairs." He says, I laugh, making sam smile through his tears, I smile and hug him. "Colby are you two together?" My dad asks, I turn Sam's face and kiss him, my dad gasps. "You guys are adorable." He says, I smile, for once somebody was happy for me. We get to the hospital and I help Sam inside, Once we get inside I go to the front desk and ask for someone, the lady looks at me. "One second, What's  your name?"  She says, she sounded rude, but I liked her accent. "Sam golbach." I say, the lady gets up and gets a doctor, the doctor takes us back. "What brings you in today?" She asks, sam was still in tears so I talked for him. "He hurt his foot in a car accident, we think it might be broken." I say, the doctor kneels down and looks up at him. "I'm not gonna move it that much ok, just tell me when something hurts." She says, sam nods, after about three screams and one cry later the doctor brings in a boot. "It's not broken, but you did fracture you big toe, you'll have to wear this boot for about 6 weeks." She says, she puts on the boot and give him crutches. "I recommend you use these for at least two out of the six weeks just so you can keep off of it for a little." She says, sam nods and I help him up, tears still in his baby blue eyes, we leave the office and go back to the house.

Once we get back to Colby's house he pulls me out of the car and helps me inside. "Wanna go up to my room or stay downstairs?" Colby asks, I look up at him, he kisses my head and we walk in. "I wanna go up to your room and go to sleep." I say, he carries me up the stairs and puts me on his bed, I'm gonna go get some snacks, want to see koki?" He asks, I smile. "Yeah." I say, he closes the door, and I look around his old bedroom, it looked so much different from before, except clothes were still laying on the ground along with old school assignments, I lay my eyes on a piece of paper that has Colby's name on it, I bend over and pick it up, I read it.

Cole Brock        11/27/13

I know, why am I writing down my feelings? Honestly, I don't know, I felt sad so I decided to write it down on paper, the reason I'm sad is because I like my best friend and he is the straightest line you'll ever meet, can't there just be a button that someone can press and it turns them gay? I'll invent that when I'm older, I know I'm only a sophomore but I know that what I'm feeling is love, he's just so sweet and funny and super cute, I wish I could just tell him, but I'm too scared that he will never talk to me again. We met last year, and that year was the year that changed my life, I came out to my parents and brother, but I still haven't told sam. I don't think I'll ever tell him, or maybe one day I will accidentally say I'm gay and he kisses me right on the lips, but that will only happen in my dreams. Ok, that's all I got to say, bye.

As soon as I finish reading the note colby walks back in, I look up at him as he sits down. "You wrote this?" I ask, he looks away for a minute and then smiles at me. "Yeah, I guess my fantasies are real now." He says, I hug him and start to cry again. "You ok?" He asks, I nod my head. "I'm just so happy that I can be with someone so caring, I mean, we've been through everything together and look where we are now, I'm so happy that you got what you wanted, because honestly, you are my everything." I say, he looks down at my lips and kisses me, such an amazing thing to end such a horrible day.

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