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Colby and I sit on his bed and cry. He just got a text from and unknown number that said something about hurting him, I don't know what he plans on doing to him, but I'll protect him with all of me.  "Sam we should leave town, it's safer than staying here." He says, I wipe away my tears and look up at him. "Where do you wanna go?" I ask, his sad eyes look into mine. "We could go to my house back home in Kansas." Colby suggests, I stare at the tear soaked sheets as Colby rubs my back. "Babe you ok?" He asks, I look at him and shake my head, jumping into his arms. "I'll be ok sam, he's not gonna do anything that will kill me, that would benefit nobody." Colby says, I look up at him and he kisses my forehead, I sniffle. "Let's go back to Kansas, I miss Koki." I say, colby looks at me and holds my waist, I smile. "Let's get ready to go then because I wanna get out of here as fast as possible." He says, we hop up and pack up our things.

As sam and I are packing up our things I sit down and look at the beautiful view of LA. while I look out the window I see a person that looks exactly like the guy I beaf up that night, I get up for a closer view, it was him, I run away from the window and grab my stuff. "Sam come on we need to get out of here." I say, sam grabs his bags and we run out of the hotel directly to Sam's car, we get in and drive away as fast as possible. "Why did we need to leave so fast?" Sam asks, I look behind me to see if he's still there, he wasn't. "I saw the guy that was at the bar out the window." I say, Sam looks at me and then back at the road, I could see the fear on his face. "What?" He says, I lay back in my seat against the window, as I'm laying down I see his car behind us through the back window. "Sam go faster he's behind us!" I yell, sam pressers on the gas and we zoom down the road and make a couple turns. "Did we lose him?" Sam asks, I look through the back window again and see his car in the car distance. "No, I think he's trying to follow us." I say, he speeds up again and drives swiftly down the road, I look behind me and see the guy's car getting closer. "He's getting closer sam." I say, he goes even faster as he gets closer, I start to cry. "SAM THERES A CAR!" I scream, but the car had already crashed.

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