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I wake up in the morning snuggled close to sam, I try to sit up but he pushes my head back down, I gasp. "Don't move, its comfy with you snuggled up next to me." Sam says, I put my hood up and nuzzle my head all the way under his arm, he rubs my back, I hear the door open. "Yo solby theres breakfast." Corey says, we don't acknowledge him, we were too tired. As soon as I'm almost back asleep I feel my body being shaken. "Come on guys we made food just for you." Corey says, sam takes his arm off of me and gets up, I just lay there. "Colby come on." Sam says, I reach a hand out for him to grab me, he takes my hand and kisses it, I get up. He takes my other hand and pulls me closer, we touch noses and kiss, Corey awes in the background. I wrap my hands around his waist and put my hands up his shirt, he flicks my bottom lip asking for entrance, I let him in and move my hands down to his waist again, I grab his ass, he gasps, I giggle into the kiss and give him a boner, he unhooks our lips. "Are you ready for this?" He asks, I nod my head and push him onto the bed, I climb on top of him and kiss his neck, he moans.

As colby sucks on my neck I pull his head and make him kiss me, as we're kissing I hear my pants unzip, he was on top of me so I couldn't move, I want him too, but there's a part of me that still thinks he's not ready. I take off him shirt and he takes off mine, his pants slide off and mine stay on. "Colby take them off!" I moan, he laughs and plays with the rim of them, I moan loudly, wanting it. "Colby PLEASE." I say, he grinds on me and laughs. "Beg for me." He says, I moan loudly. "Colby please I want you SOOOOOOO bad." I say, he digs his fingers down my pants and makes them snap against my skin, DANGIT! "Colby come on I WANT you!" I moan, he unbuttons them and finally takes them off, I tease him back and mess with his boxers, he moves my hands and pulls off his boxers, then mine. "Nice job baby, I'm the teaser." He says, I turn around.

"Colby I'm to cum." Sam says, I go harder. I pull out and clean up his mess, he pulls me up and kisses me, we make out and I leave more hickeys behind. "I'm gonna get dressed." I say, I put on pants and so does sam, he then pushes me back into the bed again and I start making out with him again, as I kiss Sam's neck we jump when the door opens. "Brennen's here." Jake says, I turn back to sam and continue kissing him, "stop swallowing each other's faces and go talk to Brennen, he wants both of you." Jake says, sam gets off of my lap and we go downstairs, as we walk downstairs I look to see if sam is behind me, he was, but his hickeys were so noticeable, there was a lot of them too, whatever. "Hey boys." Brennen says, I can't even look at him after what he did to me. "Colby....can I talk to you?.......alone?" He asks, sam comes in front of me, I could see tears in his eyes. "No, I'm staying with him." He says, Brennen rolls his eyes and we sit down on the couch. "What do you want?" I ask. "Sam come sit next to me for a second, I won't hurt you I swear." Brennen says, sam hugs me. "You better not." I say, sam gets up and hesitantly sits next to him, I keep an eye on him. "Wow colby, you did this to him?" He asks, looking at the hickeys. "Yeah, got a problem with it?" I ask, Brennen looks at me. "No, I don't have a problem, and could you get me a water bottle?" He asks, I give him the death stare, I don't trust him with my baby. "If I get up will you hurt him?" I ask, Brennen rolls his eyes again. "No, I swear." He says, I get up and walk backwards into the kitchen, I go into the fridge and get a water bottle. "COLBY!" I hear sam high pitch scream, I run out into the living room and see Brennen choking sam, I run over to him and punch him in the face, I kick his ribs, I start to cry as sam starts squirming around trying to get air, I kick his arm as hard as I can, he finally let's go, sam coughs hard as Brennen gets up and scoops him up. "DONT TOUCH HIM FUCKING ASSHOLE!" I say, Brennen looks back at my, holding sam by his shirt, he laughs. "Try me bitch, I've already got him, and I'm leaving." He says, he turns back around and starts towards the front door, sam still being dragged behind him. "COLBY PLEASE HELP ME!" Sam screams, I try to grab his hand but he was already out the door, I run outside, they were already driving away. I run back inside and ball my eyes out. "WHY! FUCKING WHY BRENNEN!" I scream to myself, I cry harder, I end up crying myself to sleep, without sam to cuddle me.

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