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I wake up in the morning to see nobody by my side, I look around the room and knock on the bathroom doors but nobody answers, I start to get worried so I call Colby.
C-Yo wassup babe
S-Hey, where are you, and why is it so loud
C-oh, Sorry, I'm out with Brennen at the bar, I didn't want to wake you up so I left you a note on the fridge.
S-oh ok, I didn't see the note, when are you gonna be home
C-in like an hour, why you need me home now
S-no, I'll see you soon
C-ok, love you Sammy
S-love you too cole bear
I hang up the phone and plop down onto the couch, I know that colby is always here with me, but I never really liked Brennen, he always takes him away from me. I feel like ever since colby and I started dating like a week ago I'm more attached to him, it's like I'm scared to be alone. I just really hope that he doesn't come home drunk, drunk Colby is the worst Colby, when he's drunk he usually cries his eyes out over something stupid like his sweatshirt strings being uneven, or his bed not being cold enough, it's horrible. While waiting for colby to get home I end up falling asleep on the couch.


I wake up to the sound of the door swinging open, I check the time, it was 8:47PM. Colby runs over and hugs me tightly, tucking his head into my shoulder, he cries, oh dear. "Sam what would you do if I said that I might have done something very bad." He asks, this is not how I expected things to go. "I don't know, it depends on what you did." I say, he squeezes me tighter and he cries harder. "What if I told you that I got in a huge fight." He asks, this can't be good. "What happened?" I ask, he looks up at me, I see a deep cut on his lip. "Colb-." He shushes me. "I know, there's a cut, all you need to know is that I may or may not have sent someone to the hospital tonight, we may or may not need to pack some shit and stay somewhere else tonight because the cops may or may not be trying to find me." He says, I look up at him, his teary eyes look back at me, I start to cry.

As sam cries I feel every little bit of guilt on my shoulders, the last thing I wanna do is hurt him, but I got into a huge fight about dumb shit with some stranger and he punched me, so I fought back, the fight ended with the guy in an ambulance and me driving home while swerving on the road crying. "Do they know where you are?" Sam asks, I nod my head, he runs to the front door and gets into his car, I follow behind him, I don't know where we're going, but we'll find somewhere.


It's been about 30 minutes of us driving and sam is still crying. "I'm sorry sam, I didn't mean to, he punched me so I fought back." I say through tears. "Where are we fucking going, I just wanna sleep." He says sternly. "I don't know, we don't have anywhere to go." I say, he hits the steering wheel and pulls his hair. "GOD FUCKING DAMMIT COLBY YOU'RE SO FUCKING STUPID SOMETIMES!" He screams, I cry harder as sam bangs his head against the window, I'm crying so hard that I can barely talk. "Sa-Sam I'm sorry........I I I didn't mean to send hi-him to the hospital." I say, sam looks at me. "I'm just stressed out colby! It's now 10:00 and we're on the road looking for a place to stay because you killed someone!" He yells, I cry even harder as my voice starts to sound like I'm sick. "I didn't kill him! He just broke a few ribs!" I yell, sam stomps his feet on the floor and leans back in anger. "Find a place to stay, I can't do this right now." He says, he drives once again until I see a hotel, "sam there's a hotel over there." I say in a low voice, he drives to it and parks the car, getting out. "Once we get to our room I'm going to bed, and not laying with you." Sam says, I cry again as we walk to our room, once we get there we go inside and sam lays down on the bed, I lay down on the opposite side as sam goes to sleep.

I'm not mad at him, I'm just really stressed, tired, and annoyed. As I lay in bed colby cries, I know he's sensitive and needs a cuddle buddy right now but I just can't with him tonight, I've been through hell and back today and just need to sleep. I look over at colby, he is curled up in blankets, crying. Since I couldn't go to sleep I sit up and play with his hair, he sniffles as tears fall onto the sheets. I lean down and kiss his head, I then lay back down. "Sam please!" He yells through more tears, I continue to just lay there, I start to cry, I want to cuddle him, colby gets out of the bed and sits on the floor next to me in tears, I put a hand out and rub his shoulder. "Please Sam." He says, I take my hand off of his shoulder and put it out for him to grab, he grabs it and looks at me, my tired eyes look back at him. "Can you cuddle me?" He asks in a low whiny voice, I squeeze his hand tighter and nod my head, I move over and he crawls in next to me. "C'mere." I say, he looks at me, I grab his face and kiss him, once we unhook he lays his head and my chest as I scratch his back. "Hey Sam." Colby says. "Yeah baby." I say, he snuggles closer to me. "I'm sorry." He says, I kiss head head. "It's ok, I was worried." I say. "I know, he made fun of you, so I fought him, I'm just a kid in love." He says, I mentally roll my eyes. "Ok Shawn Mendes." I say, we both laugh, finally falling asleep.

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