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I wake up in my bed alone, it's been almost 4 weeks since my and Colby's break up, I've kind of gotten used to how it was before Colby and I started dating, and I am also still getting used to watching my ex-boyfriend and ex-best friend with another one of my best friends, it shouldn't have to be like this, but Colby made it this way, and I still hate his guts for it. As I'm sitting doing absolutely nothing jake comes into my room with Colby on his back, I glance over at them and look away. "Hey Sam, I'm dropping this cutie off in here, he wants to talk to you." Jake says, letting Colby off of him onto my bed, I don't pay attention, jake shuts the door, and Colby turns to face me. "Hey, are you still mad at me for what happened a few weeks ago?" He asks, what a dumb ass, of course, I'm still mad at him. "Yes, and I won't be mad at you." I say, he looks down at the floor, it's still hard to see him upset but it's normal whenever he talks to me. "Are you sure you want to be mad at me forever?" He asks, I nod my head. "Even if I bring you 12 king-size 100-grand bars?" He says I try not to smile, my face gets that tingle of happiness in it. "No." I say, Colby comes closer to me and tickles me, I try not to laugh but after about 5 seconds I burst out in laughter, god dangit! Why does he have to be so cute and silly? "I knew you would crack someday, I'm just too funny for you to be mad at me for that long." He says, I smile at him and roll my eyes. "Do I have permission to hug my best friend?" He asks I shake my head, and he laughs. "Come on." He says. "Nope." I say, he gets closer on every nope. "Please?" He asks, I giggle. "Nope." I say, he wraps his arms around me anyway, letting his head rest on my shoulder. "Too bad, I needed to hug my Sammy." He says, I raise one eyebrow. "I'm not yours." I say, hoping he'd respond with, yes I am, he looks up at me. "I meant that I missed you being around me, I missed our inside jokes, I missed our long hugs, I missed our everything." He says, I grab him by the arm and hug him extremely tight, it was nice to be back in his arms. "I'm happy to have my best friend back in my life." I say, all I want to do is grab his face and kiss him. "Hey, Colby." I say, he looks up at me. "Can I have one kiss? Just one?" I ask, he giggles and gets up, he opens the door and jake sits on the other side of me, they both kiss me on the cheek, I laugh and so do they. "It's nice to have the Kansas squad back in shape, sam are you ok with our relationship?" Jake asks, I smile and look down. "Are you sam?" Colby asks, it's not that I'm not ok with it, I just wish it was me. "It's ok to say no Sammy." Colby says, I shake my head and start to cry, he gets up on the bed and puts me on his lap, and he rubs my back. "You don't have to cry, we know you don't want to hurt any bodies feelings, we don't either, that's why we were asking you." Jake says, I lay my head on Colby's shoulder, and Colby lays his head on top of mine. "I don't want you guys to have to pick and choose." I say, Colby wipes the tears off of my face. "We're not, and I kind of like you two together anyway, short and tall always make a great relationship." Jake says, I start to cry again, Colby starts to scratch my back, just the way that I calmed him down when he was sad or scared, I chew on my thumbnail out of nervousness and anticipation. "I'll let you two be for a little longer until sam is ok." Jake says, then leaves. "Sam, the real question here is do you still like me? Because if you do I will be glad to be yours again." Colby says in a low voice, I wrap my arms around him. "I do like you still." I say with a sniffle, he looks down at me and puts me in front of him, He lifts my chin so my eyes meet his. "Ok, good, I miss my favorite cuddle buddy." He says, tapping my nose, I smile, I come closer to him and his hands touch my sides, I lean down and kiss him, it was so nice to have his touch back. He licks my lips asking for entrance, I let him in and he explores my mouth, he then moves down to my neck and gives me a few hickeys, jake comes back in and sees up making out, and he smiles. "Have fun you two, I'm not upset Colby, I kind of knew all along that sam was for you." He says, after jake walks out we continue making out, I'm just happy that Colby's happy.

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